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Father Injuries: What Can A Man Believe If He Had An Abusive Father?

If a man thought back to his early years, he might end up thinking about some of the good times he shared with his father. On the other hand, this could be a time when you will remember moments that were far from good.
What this can illustrate is that, during this stage of his life, he had a very challenging relationship with his father. Your relationship with your father may be different now that you are an adult, or it may not be much different.

Back in time

In regards to what happened when he was a child, this may have been a time when his father physically hurt him. Also, you may have regularly belittled him as well.

Therefore, her father would not have provided the security, support, and encouragement (to instill courage) that she needed at this stage in her life. Because of this, his father would have been seen as a threat rather than someone who would protect and care for him.

A big difference

Considering how small she would have been compared to him, it would have been terrifying to have such a father. He could not have defended himself and, although he could have escaped, he could not have gotten very far.

To handle what was happening, her body had often become paralyzed (the freeze response) and she may have often lost contact with her body (dissociation). In both responses, he could have dealt with what was happening without going anywhere.

The consequences

Now that you are an adult, you may have a hard time being in your body and connecting with how you feel. In general, it could live in your head and be someone dead from the neck down.

In doing so, he might appear to be lacking energy and vitality. The energy you lack will be trapped in your lower body and you will not be able to get up, due to the trauma you are carrying.

Life force

If so, it will also show that you have lost touch with your fighting / aggression instinct. To reintegrate this part of your being, you will need to return to your body and connect with your feelings.

As a child, it would have been too painful for him to feel and it would not have been safe enough for him to assert himself. Ergo, losing touch with his feelings and his fighting instincts would have been a matter of survival.

An accumulation

Many years will have passed since this stage of your life, but your body will bear most, if not all, of the pain you experienced. As a result of this, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to return to your body and feel your feelings.

Instead, this will be something that will take time; If this process is rushed, it could do more harm than good. Naturally, getting in touch with this pain and getting over it will take courage.

Deep pain

When you begin to become aware of how you feel, it could be as if you have gone back in time. In addition to the fact that your emotional self has no sense of time, it will be because you will feel some of the feelings that you did when you were a helpless and dependent child.

You can end up feeling helpless, helpless, hopeless, worthless, fearful, and terrified. Thanks to the intensity of your feelings and sensations, there may be times when you simply cannot stay connected to your inner experience.

Two parts

How you felt during this stage of your life will be one part, the other part will be the meaning your mind created around what happened. And since he was self-centered at this stage in his life, what happened would have been taken personally.

Therefore, even though what happened had nothing to do with him or his worth as a human being, this would not have mattered. The meaning that was created from what happened will have a great effect on how you see yourself and the world in general.

The bald blocks of reality

What happened during your early years may mean that you have some, if not all, of the following beliefs:

• You may believe that you are worthless
• May believe it is a burden
• May believe you deserve to be treated poorly
• May believe it is bad
• You may think it is not safe for them to see you.
• May believe that it is not safe for him to exist.
• May believe the world is dangerous
• May believe that anger is bad
• You may believe that you have to please others.
• May believe that men are bad

These beliefs, along with any others you may have, are not the truth, but they will shape your reality. The reason for this is that you are not simply an observer of your reality; he actively participates in what he experiences and does not experience.


If a man can relate to this and is ready to change his life, he may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.

By working through your emotional wounds and questioning what you believe in, you will gradually be able to get in touch with your inherent worth, reconnect with your fighting instincts, and return to your body. The truth is that what happened as a child was not his fault and he did not deserve to be treated badly.

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