Health Fitness

Lose weight now! No pills, gimmicks or fad diets required

If, like me, you’re tired of hearing about the next big thing guaranteed to ‘melt your fat away’ only to find out that the magic pill, shake or diet plan just leaves you hungry, cranky or makes no difference at all – believe me. Now it’s time to go…

The truth is, we all have the ability to lose weight and get back to our ideal size on our own. You don’t need the next ‘trick’ or magic potion to make it easy for you. If it works, you won’t get any lasting results, especially if you’re like me, you’ll just end up putting it all back and then some!

This may sound a bit cliche, but I’m sure that’s just because it’s true! But you just need to know your own body. While in theory we are all the same, we are all human beings, or bodies are still as unique as our personalities. What may have worked will necessarily bring the same results for you.

To better understand your body and lose weight, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

  • How your body stores fat
  • your metabolism
  • your body type

Your body gives clues to how it stores fat, which is very evident in the shape of his body. Your curves, or problem areas, are likely the areas where fat is stored. For women, there tend to be 4 typical body shapes:

  1. The Apple – where fat is stored in the upper half of the body;
  2. The pear – where fat is stored in the lower half of the body;
  3. hourglass – where fat is stored in the upper and lower halves of the body, leaving a slimmer midsection or waist; Y
  4. The Rectangle or Rule – where fat is stored evenly throughout the body, making you look wider instead of fatter as you gain weight

Each different body shape will respond better to a different combination of diet and exercise plans. What this means for you is that you can lose more weight with less work, simply by understanding your body better.

Your metabolism and how it works is another essential part of your body. what you need to understand Some of us have naturally slow metabolisms, which is why we gain weight so easily. Others have naturally fast metabolisms so they can eat so much crap and still look great!

It doesn’t really matter if you have a naturally slow metabolism, you can still lose weight. You may just need to focus more on metabolism-boosting foods and exercises. The key here is finding the right diet and exercise regimen that will not only fire up your metabolism, but keep it going long after you’ve left the gym.

Just like there are different body shapes, there are also three different body types. that have been determined in the medical and health profession. These different body types also determine how your body stores and burns fat:

  1. the ectomorph the body type generally consists of a slender build with long limbs and long, lean muscles. Ectomorphs often have trouble gaining weight, building muscle, and can be prone to injury.
  2. the mesomorph The body type has a wider frame and bone structure. While mesomorphs can gain weight easily, they also tend to lose weight easily.
  3. the endomorph The body type typically has a wide waist and a tendency to store a lot of fat. Endomorphs have a lot of difficulty with weight because of the way this body type stores fat.

While there are pros and cons to each of your body’s unique characteristics, you can work with both to lose weight effectively and quickly. By taking advantage of the good and focusing on the things that will reduce the bad, you can lose weight with a good diet and a simple exercise plan. No fads, no gimmicks and no crazy diets.

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