Strength conditioning training for fighters

Unlike most sports, wrestling has a propensity to provide its athletes with everything they need to succeed. Many legendary athletes received their status from everything they got from the wrestling hall and nothing more. However, the insatiable hunger for an edge continues to push the boundaries of performance science. Added with anecdotal evidence of ‘what works’, new methods become the […]

E-Cultura – Bring your children closer to culture

In a fast-paced society that promotes information through technological channels, culture has become a powerful and creative tool that can be accessed through home computers. Instead of exposing children to hours of television or computer games, you can use technology for greater educational benefits. Bring your children closer to knowledge by introducing them to e-culture, which is practically free and […]

The best retirement income for 2021

There are two types of income you can have (according to the IRS). That is active (or earned) income or passive (unearned) income. The difference is in how it is obtained and how it is taxed How to earn money in retirement Active income is money you exchange your work for. I do it part time. The easiest way to […]

5 things to consider when choosing a family movie

Family movies are wonderful vehicles for spending time with your children, and there really isn’t much that can beat them in the way of creating opportunities to build family connections, build family traditions, and create lifelong memories. While no two family movies are the same, the best ones (that is, the ones that prove to be the longest in a […]

Special Event Planning Tip: Cupcakes

When you think of cupcakes, you might envision what I do. Cheap frosting piled upon dry cake that was placed on your table during the holidays while the adults got pumpkin pie and delicious desserts. Who would even bother serving them? They just wind up in the garbage can along with your wasted money. Not anymore! In the past few […]

Food Trucks Vs Restaurants in the Environment

Which of the two is more ecological, or is there simply no definitive answer? Right now, there are many people who may be quick to assume that food trucks are the worse of both evils, given the national focus on how environmentally sustainable practices relate to modes of transportation. However, sustainability is something that comes into play every time a […]