training your grip

In a recent class, we went off on a tangent about grip training and introduced some of the gripping toys we have. A lot of people don’t really think too much about their grip. However, there are many instances across the broad spectrum of martial arts training, whether empty-handed or in the use of weapons, that could benefit from a […]

Have you heard? Android OS (Oreo) is your best bet for growth

Android, as one of the two most popular mobile application platforms, continues to be popular by powering the largest number of smartphones. The operating system that powers the vast majority of smartphones has now evolved in features and capabilities and every year we get new updates that further enrich Android with features and functionality. Android Oreo, the latest platform update, […]

Top Eleven 2011 Trends for Entrepreneurs

As we head into the new year, here are the top 11 trends entrepreneurs need to be aware of, consider, and for which we should all prepare: 1. The economy will continue to struggle: This is the biggest question on everyone’s mind. If PR and marketing experts were advising me to write this blog to be popular, they would tell […]

The fastest freshwater fish

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are ranked as the ninth fastest fish in the world, the highest ranking for any freshwater fish. Tenth place is taken by the Sacramento Pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus grandis) but, with respective speeds of 8.0 and 6.7 meters per second, there is quite a bit of difference between the two. Granted, compared to the Black Marlin, which tops […]

5 reasons to adopt digital marketing

The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc all around us. Companies and life in general have suffered a lot and we still seem to be inside a tunnel hoping to see the light soon. Several businesses have been pushed to their limits and are forced to restrategize and reinvent themselves. Innovation has become the key to its survival. […]

Christian Wedding – A Beautiful Ceremony

Marriage in the Christian community is a very elegant affair. Christian marriages reflect a lot of divinity or God’s covenant in many customs and traditions followed in wedding celebrations that are commonly followed. Christians religiously follow their marriage vows and customs. Before the couple is married, there is a rehearsal of the ceremony and the minister explains the meaning of […]

Voluptuo Breast Enhancement Supplement Review

Voluptuo Breast Enlargement is a program for fuller, firmer and larger breasts that is representative of the natural course of breast augmentation without the need for surgery. Voluptuo, specially developed, is a natural food supplement that helps female breasts to become fuller, firmer and larger. It is 100% natural and contains 6 carefully selected grains and 3 different types of […]

Proof of a Creator: A Rejoinder to Theodore Schick, Jr.

This essay joins an article written by Theodore Schick, Jr., Professor of Philosophy, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pennsylvania. The 1998 article is titled *”The ‘Big Bang’ Argument for the Existence of God”* and is a refutation of the views of Hugh Ross, a noted astronomer and Christian apologist, expressed in his book *The Creator and the cosmos*. . The article was […]