Self-tuning technique

How to make simple and smooth adjustments to yourself. Have you ever really needed a chiropractor? You wake up in the morning and can barely move. You slept in a bad position and your neck hurts. It’s misaligned and you need help. Her day is wasted when she calls to see if she can get an appointment. All you can […]

Stay healthy, eat more fish and shellfish

There are many very good reasons to eat seafood. Fish is a high-quality protein source and is low in fat and cholesterol. Fish and shellfish are an excellent source of vitamin B12, vitamin D, magnesium, and Omega 3 fatty acids. Currently, there is much evidence that people who regularly include fish in their diet have a lower risk of non-weight […]

P90X Nutrition – My Staples

P90X workouts are tough. But I tell everyone I train that diet, nutrition, and supplements give people the results they want. Workouts make you fit on the inside, your nutrition makes you look fit on the outside. I didn’t really follow any nutritional plans or recipes provided by Beachbody during my P90X trial. It’s not that I don’t think they’re […]

Weight loss is a pain in the ass!

From what I learned, there is a lot about “weight loss”. First is 80% Diet and 20% Exercise, which I thought was full of garbage from the beginning because I imagine that if you get your body moving constantly, you will not have to worry about the food you are eating. INCORRECT! I’m a foodie, so I figured my training […]

Ketogenic diet? Here are 10 foods you must have in your kitchen

The ketogenic diet is a very successful weight loss program. Use high-fat, low-carb ingredients to burn fat instead of glucose. Many people are familiar with the Atkins diet, but the keto plan restricts carbs even more. Because we are surrounded by fast food restaurants and processed foods, avoiding carbohydrate-rich foods can be challenging, but proper planning can help. Plan menus […]

5 things I did to lose 92 pounds

I started my weight loss journey in 2012 after making a New Years resolution to lose some weight. I was starting to develop symptoms associated with diabetes and that scared me. My knees and hips ache daily and it is difficult for me to walk up and down the stairs. Why did i gain weight I would say that much […]