How to fix flat feet

Flatfoot. Fallen arches. You definitely know if you have it and if you suspect you have it, a very simple way to tell is to press your bare foot on a damp grassy area or a wet paper towel and then step on a dry spot on the sidewalk. . If you can see the entire bottom of your foot […]

How to lose weight without pain?

Is it possible to lose weight without dieting and exercising? Is there a magic pill that will help you lose weight without any effort? You know the answer. It’s not possible. When it comes to a weight loss discussion, there is always effort involved. The first thing that comes to mind is dieting. If I want to lose weight, I […]

Nordic track treadmill

Nordic Track treadmills are famous for their wide range of features. Nordic Track treadmills provide a comfortable running surface on which users can jog, walk or run. Nordic track treadmills are produced by Icon Health and Fitness, Inc.. Nordic Track treadmills range from $1000 to $4000. The various features of Nordic Track treadmills help during weight loss programs and workouts. […]

How to Identify Dangerous Abdominal Exercises After a Hysterectomy

After hysterectomy surgery, it is essential to understand how to identify inappropriate abdominal or core strength exercises. Many women unknowingly perform abdominal exercises with the potential for serious pelvic injury when they return to their gym workouts and fitness classes after hysterectomy surgery. Unfortunately, many well-meaning fitness instructors are also unaware of this issue, leaving women uninformed, vulnerable, and confused […]

Baby Boomers Warned About Binge Drinking as Alcohol-Related Deaths Rise

Don’t shoot the messenger, but baby boomers are drinking at alarming levels. Just this week, baby boomers received new alcohol warnings as alcohol-related deaths among people age 50 and older increased. The number of deaths attributed solely to alcohol has increased by 45% since 2001, according to a report published Tuesday by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). While this […]

Acupuncture for Hormone Therapy

As a woman, we know that the state of our sexual health and changes in our periods can be a great indicator of general health and health problems. A co-worker had recently gone to see her doctor and told her that she had gained weight, had irregular periods, and generally felt tired and listless. Turns out she had an undiagnosed […]

Beneficiile usturoiului și ierburilor pentru sănătatea părului

usturoiului și ierburilor pentru sănătatea părului Usturoiul este o plantă cu bulbi din familia allium, care este strâns legată de ceapă, praz și eșalotă. Este un ingredient popular pentru gătit, cu o aromă și o aromă distinctă care îmbunătățește aroma multor feluri de mâncare. Este, de asemenea, folosit ca un remediu natural de sănătate pentru proprietățile sale antimicrobiene care luptă […]

The use of weights in physiotherapy

Injury risks are prevalent in any workplace, especially to the upper body. To help prevent injuries from occurring or to add to the rehabilitation of an injury, dumbbells are predominantly used. Dumbbells can target specific muscles in the ligaments of the arms, chest, shoulders, back, abdomen, and legs. Physical therapists have been using the dumbbell in rehabilitation for many years […]

What are the benefits of apple cider vinegar?

Many people are interested in the health benefits of apple cider vinegar (ACV). ACV is vinegar made from apple cider or must. Unpasteurized or organic ACV contains “The Mother” of vinegar, which is what you should look for. The sediments of “The Mother” are strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria. We recommend Bragg Organic ACV with The ‘Mother’. Here […]