Constructive Dismissal Solicitors – What exactly is a constructive dismissal case?

Constructive Dismissal Solicitors What exactly is a constructive dismissal case? In laymen’s terms, constructive dismissal is considered to have happened when an employer acts in a manner which contravenes an implied term of your employment contract, and then the worker resigns as a direct result of that conduct. In the UK, the Employment Tribunal is the body which decides on […]

Why knowing HOW to think is much more important than knowing WHAT to think

How to think effectively is especially relevant, at the time of writing, as the world slowly emerges from the post-Covid-19 lockdown and begins to accept the social, economic, and financial consequences. We currently live in a time of unreason in which: Experts are denigrated and ignorance, bias and prejudice are celebrated; Waking thinking takes precedence over reasoned debate; Virtue takes […]

Does CBD oil work? Studies suggest that

There are many claims about how CBD oil works to help relieve pain, anxiety, MS symptoms, colds, arthritis, and much more. However, does CBD oil work? Does it really work to help you deal with the symptoms of so many illnesses, ailments, and injuries? This is something we have looked at, along with any supporting evidence. While the research on […]

Paxil is a direct link to birth defects

When Bonnie was concerned about staying on Paxil, she was told not to worry as she was classified as Category B. Tragically, her son died of congenital heart defects; five years later, he discovered that Paxil is now Category D. (In December 2005, the FDA asked Glaxo Smith Kline, the maker of Paxil, to change the pregnancy category to D, […]

Who will pay for the children’s college education after divorce?

During the divorce process, parents have a long list of issues to discuss and resolve, including the division of their assets (e.g. house, cars, bank accounts, retirement accounts, pension plans, etc.), division of your debts (for example, credit cards, auto loans, personal loans, home equity loans, college loans, etc.), visitation schedule and child custody, child support, and spousal support. In […]

Making the most of SAT tutoring

The SAT is extremely important to all students. The results of this exam continue to determine the quality of the university to which you can gain admission and also to select the subjects of your choice. Preparation for this exam begins many months before you take it. It takes a lot of study and practice to get an optimal score […]

10 reasons why education law is so important

If you work in a school or other educational establishment, you may already know why education law is playing such an important role in modern education. This is what you need to know 1. Schools are just as responsible and responsible as other companies, and they must comply with the same kinds of regulations. 2. Compliance with education laws and […]