Bananas, the instant energy source

If you want a quick energy boost, there is no better snack than a banana. Bananas have three natural sugars; sucrose, fructose, and glucose, combined with a fiber, a banana provides an instant and sustained energy boost. Research has shown that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. Green bananas contain resistant starch, so called because […]

5 Examples When Political Hypocrisy Hurts America!

Are there really that many ignorant Americans, or do they just deliberately enjoy ignoring reality unless/until it fits neatly into their personal/political agenda and/or perceived self-interest? Why do voters allow constant political hypocrisy, when viable solutions/well thought out actions are needed? How many times have you seen and/or heard a politician say one thing and do something very different? When […]

Does Kinesiology Treatment for Yeast Infections Work?

Many women battled yeast infections with a lot of pain. Some of them unexpectedly stumbled upon an excellent solution. After the kinesiology treatment, they never have to deal with another breakout again. I heard a story that a woman was referred to a kinesiologist because she couldn’t tolerate the intense itching and burning. The sensations stopped the moment the kinesiology […]

Visit Buena Park California

good parkCalifornia, just under seven (7) miles on the highway from Disneyland in Anaheim, it is a city of more than 80,000 people and is a tourist attraction city that many tourists overlook. This city is home to Knot Berry Farm“With more than 165 wild rides, shows and unique attractions just steps from Knott’s Resort Hotel, Knott’s Theme Park is […]

How to lose 100 pounds in 2 weeks

Recent studies show that there has been a greater increase in the number of obsessed Americans compared to the last 50 years. Hectic lifestyle coupled with stress is the main reason. Lack of an active lifestyle and unhealthy eating makes this even worse. Obese people are at increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, hypertension, cancer, arthritis, […]

Replacement of lost earrings

The news I have received is that earrings purchased or received within a few years will likely be replaced if the manufacturer is identified; however, if the earrings are several years old, that style may no longer be available for direct replacement. A first step you’ve probably considered is going to the business that sells the earrings in the first […]