It’s Jewish music, but is it Jewish music?

A while ago I was driving down the Jerusalem highway scanning for radio stations. On one frequency, a very intense dance beat was coming out of the speakers. She was about to turn the dial some more for a Jewish tune when the vocalist started. Clash of shocks, he was a heavily Hasidic singer, complete with Eastern European pronunciation. And […]

Everything Must Go (1996)

The material is important. Any composer will tell you. Without good material, production value can only cover a certain texture, guitar parts can only count the ears for so long. The material is important. It gives the band the foundation on which they stand. And at a time when the Manic Street Preachers had lost their lyricist/guitarist to empty uncertainty, […]

Christmas gift ideas for mom

Christmas shopping for mom is not easy and it becomes especially difficult when you want to get the best gift that she will appreciate and love for the rest of the year. To make your holiday shopping easier, here are some Christmas gift ideas for mom that I hope will help you this holiday season: 1. flowers: Flowers are always […]

A guide to choosing baby toys by age

From rattles to bicycles Babies are weird and wonderful creatures…but often they’re just plain weird! It can be downright baffling trying to figure out why they’re ignorant of mirrors, balls and television… but are fascinated by a piece of cellophane or a piece of patterned fabric. They get more understandable as they get older, but if you want to avoid […]

My early Christmas gift from God

I used to remember when I was a little boy waiting for Santa’s presents under our Christmas tree every Christmas Eve and it makes me so happy because he never misses sending me his Christmas present. And I remembered that I was already 12 years old when my mother had revealed to me that Santa Claus is not true and […]

Mithai – The traditional sweets of Pakistan

Mithai (Sweet) is the traditional dessert or should we say the official dessert or choice of sweets in countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. The origin of Mithai is not certain, as the different forms and types of Mithai were derived from various cultures. As one of the most famous types of Mithai Ghulab Jaman, it was introduced and became […]

Flowers you can eat – Nasturtiums

The flowers, so bright and cheerful, raise your vibe without even trying. Edible flowers bring that energy to the center of your being, especially when they also have medicinal properties like the beautiful nasturtium. Its flowers are bright trumpets that herald sunny days. As children, we used to pick nasturtium flowers, bite the tip at the back of the flower, […]