What is a Butkus?

The pin play is the most basic play in the game. Objective: gain a yard. The quarterback takes the snap, pivots, and hands the ball to the fullback, who hits the line of scrimmage, head-on. The goal is to gain a yard or two. It’s not pretty, and it rarely creates a big play, but it builds confidence by creating […]

MLM Training Material – Resources for Success

Starting a business can be challenging, especially if you are new to the industry or have had little or no experience with prospecting or recruiting programs or systems. The key is having the right MLM training material, success resources, unfortunately not all MLM training material is created equal. MLM training will range from the tired family and friends approach to […]

5 reasons why national deficits are harmful

When politicians are part of the minority, or part of the party, out of power, they often use the deficit as an excuse, or justification, to oppose certain programs, which they oppose! One of the key responsibilities of holding public/elected office should and must be to do what is best for the nation, and the fact is that continued unaffordable […]

Why stuffed toys make meaningful gifts

Some of us may think that stuffed animals are a thing of the past, as they no longer seem like the “it” toy. You can often decide not to give a stuffed animal and instead get something more practical, because after all, what’s the point of a stuffed toy? What reason is there to get a stuffed animal? The answer […]

Doggone Divorce Court

Dog lovers will not be surprised to learn that custody of the family dog ​​is frequently a bone of contention in separation or divorce. However, they may be surprised to learn that Fido is considered personal property under state law, just like a piano or a favorite piece of jewelry. Many divorcing dog owners disagree with this law and want […]

How Vitamin D Affects Thyroid Conditions

Vitamin D is well known for its importance in the control of calcium in the intestine, bones and blood and resistance to disease. However, many studies now show that vitamin D levels may be a contributing factor in many other health problems. Researchers now believe that it plays a crucial role in how cells communicate. Clinical studies link abnormal vitamin […]