Mini-robots, mother ships, swarm strategies, wasps, ants, organization and delivery

Robots are for everyone. Tech TV now features Battle Bots, which is a huge hit with viewers and draws crowds as big as WFB Wrestling. Many of these people get very involved in the robot scene and even occasionally try to impress the military. Take a look at some of these super-heavy combat bots, all build types available. [] What […]

Sheikh Palazzi and the Apostle Paul

Congratulations on your interview in Frontpage magazine! I am very happy that it receives such conservative coverage. It’s great. With that said, let me correct a misunderstanding you have about my Jewish Christian brother, Paul. You wrote: “When Paul of Tarsus converted to Christianity, he began to understand Christianity in a very different way. There was no longer a need […]

Vending Machine Business Record Keeping Basics

Keeping good records of the status of each of your vending machines when you repair them is a critical practice and a very easy one. Even for those who really dislike record keeping and struggle with the practice, the process isn’t too taxing. The benefits, after all, far outweigh the small inconvenience it presents. After all, by keeping records, you’ll […]