Do you offer bulk discounts for your jerky subscription?

Do you offer bulk discounts for your jerky subscription?

A jerky subscription is the perfect gift for anyone who loves meaty snacks. It’s the kind of gift that keeps giving, long after they’ve opened it up and wolfed down the first batch of savory jerky.

Try new flavors of craft jerky every month. You can even adjust your shipment frequency or skip a month at any time.

Small Premium Beef Jerky Subscription Box

Enjoy a curated selection of small-batch beef jerky delivered right to your door with our jerky subscription package. From mild to spicy and everything in between, this jerky subscription delivers handcrafted jerky from some of the best small batch jerky makers in the country.

Choose between two, four, or eight bags of premium artisan jerky shipped to your doorstep each month. With flexible subscription options, you can skip a month or cancel anytime.
You’ll also enjoy subscriber pricing on shop orders.

If you’re looking for a unique gift idea for Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, or Christmas, our jerky subscription box is one of our best-sellers. It provides the perfect way to show someone how much you care with a delicious snack they can enjoy well into the future. Plus, it comes in one of the coolest gift boxes ever!

Large Premium Beef Jerky Subscription Box

Our large premium beef jerky subscription box is a great gift for anyone who loves to snack on high-quality meat. From the classics to more adventurous flavors, this package has it all. And it’s the perfect way to support small-town artisan craftspeople who put their heart and soul into each batch of mouthwatering snack.

Whether you give it as a one-time prepaid subscription or as an ongoing monthly delivery, this gift is sure to delight your recipient well into the future. Each shipment reminds them of how much you care and lets them relive their favorite moments.

This spicy jerky variety box is ideal for anyone who loves a bold kick of flavor and heat. Each artisan craft jerky brand has a different approach to spice, so they are sure to please even the most adventurous eaters. Add a personal note for free when checking out, and we will print and include it in the package.


Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving
A great gift provides long-term enjoyment – something they can reliably experience well into the future. Our Jerky of the Month subscription is the perfect way to show someone how much you appreciate them – and every shipment they receive will remind them of your thoughtfulness.

Gift the jerky lover in your life with a deluxe tasting experience. They’ll enjoy a double-dose of beef jerky in their first shipment and quadruple their jerky flavor variety with each subsequent shipment.

The jerky connoisseur in your life will love this premium jerky subscription box with a bonus of 10 small packs of beef jerky. This is the best way to upgrade their snacking routine and elevate their meat-loving lifestyle. You can add a personalized gift note when you check out, and we will send your recipient an email to let them know who sent the package! If you’d like to give this as a monthly recurring gift, select the “Recurring” option when ordering.

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