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5 Personality Traits Men Find Irresistible

Your looks can’t buy a man’s love. So forget about trying to surgically alter your appearance to attract men. If you’re thinking of going to a plastic surgeon for an extreme makeover, you may end up doing yourself more harm than good. What men find attractive in women goes far beyond the appearance of a woman.

If looks were the only reason men fall in love with women, why do some men still cheat on their beautiful girlfriends and wives? And if you look closely, the girls they have these affairs with are nothing to write home about. The reason? That is precisely why I have written this article.

So, without wasting any more time, here are the five personality traits that men find more attractive than beauty alone:

1. Sensuality: The sexier you are, the more attractive men will find you. So what is sexy? Being sexy does not apply to any aspect of your being. Sensuality has something to do with the way you dress, talk, behave, and interact with men. If you have a good sense of style and know how to wear clothes that complement your figure, then you have won one third of the battle of being sexy. And the way you carry yourself when you interact with men makes up the other two thirds.

2. High Self-Esteem – If you can’t walk into a room and feel confident that you have what it takes to attract the single men in that room, then your lack of confidence will seep into every pore of your body and paint a picture on the minds of men who look at you. But if, on the other hand, you walk into a room looking confident, more men will find you attractive.

3. Pleasant Personality: You can get more guys to chase you if you know how to smile and show your happy and friendly side. If you walk into a room looking like a guy who just dumped you and you have that look that says, “I hate all men,” then men will read your message loud and clear and stay away from you.

4. Intelligence — You don’t have to be a neurosurgeon to get a date with the hottest guy at the party. All you have to do is talk intelligently about the topics of the day and many men will want to talk and get to know you better.

5. Approachable – This personality trait ranks very high when it comes to traits that men find very attractive in women. If your friends find you calm, then thank your kindness. You have a much better chance of attracting more men. But if your friends think you are very difficult and difficult to get along with or get along with, then you can be sure that the men you meet will feel the same way.

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