
Cat breeds known to be energy efficient

There can be a number of reasons why a low-energy or naturally lazy cat could be the perfect match for your home. They may need to spend most of their time at home because it is not safe to go outside where you live. You may live in an apartment so there isn’t too much house to run around. You may want a cat that is calm and cuddly rather than active and playful. Whatever the reason, the good news is that there are several breeds that will fit the bill perfectly.


When it comes to appearance, the Persian is in a category of its own with its beautiful long-haired coat, spectacular color palette, and cute facial features. Despite the fluff-ball appearance, Persians are solid and muscular under all that hair, so they can run but choose not to. They are perhaps the calmest breed overall and like to receive love and attention. They are good with other members of the household, including children and other animals. However, the main problem with them can be their long-haired coat, which needs daily grooming, frequent baths and can aggravate allergies for those who suffer from it.

Exotic short hair

The shorthaired exotic is essentially a Persian with a short coat rather than long hair. They have the same cute squashed face features and are calm and quiet as their long-haired cousins. They do not need the level of grooming that the Persian does, but they retain all the other popular characteristics of the parent breed. Despite their calm demeanor, they are also quite athletic, so they will enjoy climbing toys and cat perches.


The Himalayas is another member of the Persian family and is an established breed by crossing it with the Siamese. The result is a cat that closely resembles the Persian with long, luscious coat, but has stronger vocalization and the spiky coat pattern of the Siamese. These cats tend to be calm and well-behaved, they enjoy playing but do not have much energy. They are also good with other animals and children.

British shorthair

The British Shorthair is a compact, short-haired breed of cat that is playful and intelligent, but not overly so. They like to play with toys with their owners, but also cuddle and make a fuss. They are particularly good with children and other pets, so if there are any in the home, this breed may be ideal.

Rag doll

The Ragdoll gets its name not because of its appearance but because of its behavior: it has a strange habit of going limp like a rag doll in a person’s arms when it is lifted. In addition to this strange behavior, they are gentle and calm cats that are very affectionate and like to play, but they need to be around people most of their time, so it is not great when people go out to work all day. They are also very intelligent and learn tricks like dogs, like fetching a toy or coming when called.

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