Can I use a cat dewormer on dogs?

After giving your kitty a deworming treatment, she got rid of the worms, but your dog now has them. If there is still a part of the treatment left, you may be tempted to give it to your child. But that works every time. Although it is possible that the ingredients of deworming treatments for dogs and cats are mostly […]

Secrets to Passing the California Insurance Licensing Exam

Like most states, California requires you to pass a government-administered licensing exam before you can hang your shingle to sell insurance. Additionally, you must take up to 52 hours of pre-licensing training, which thankfully can now be done online. Separate licensing exams and training courses are required to sell property and casualty insurance versus life and health policies. And, mandatory […]

Dog breeds: do you think you want a beagle?

Do you think you want to have a beagle? There are few puppies as cute as a little black and white beagle! Beagles appear in movies as the perfect family pet. Beagles make great family pets, but as with any purebred dog, before you buy a beagle, make sure you learn a few things about the breed. Beagles are generally […]

10 solutions to stop your dog from whining at night

There are a number of reasons why your dog might be whining at night, however they all have one thing in common, they cause you to have a disturbed night’s sleep. To help you deal with this behavioral issue and sleep through the night, we’ve listed 10 solutions below that could bring peace to your home after the lights go […]

California School of Culinary Arts

Founded in 1994, the California School of Culinary Arts (CSCA) has long been considered one of the best places to learn culinary arts. The school has been training culinary professionals from its main campus located in one of the most culturally diverse regions in the world, Pasadena, which is just north of Los Angeles. The California School of Culinary Arts […]

How to help nursing dogs

Just like humans and other animals, when a female dog is pregnant, her mammary glands begin to swell and her nipples become sensitive. These are signs that she is getting ready to breastfeed or make milk. Small drops of milk also herald the birth itself. The milk she produces will be the only food source her puppies receive for their […]