How to use your five senses to write a memoir or autobiography

Did you know that you can evoke memories with all your senses? Some studies have decreed that being right or left brained defines your personality. Other studies show that we use both hemispheres to solve problems. According to Dr. Judi Hollis, family therapist and psychologist, “Our creative and emotional right brain is much more influential. I always recommend less intellectual […]

Cheap offer Paris

There are many options if you are looking for a cheap offer in Paris. HAS cheap weekend getaway to Paris is very popular as you can fly, take the train or even the ferry to Paris and also enjoy a hotel discount in Paris. So should you fly, take the train? Well if you’re looking for a cheap deal Paris […]

Manage your environment and go first class

I have been reading “The Magic of Thinking Big” and just finished chapter seven. It’s called “Manage Your Environment: Go First Class.” I’m going to take some things I learned from him and try to help you. The entire basis of this chapter is self explanatory. Are you managing your environment well? Successful people are positive thinkers. They surround themselves […]

10 mind games and riddles

Scientific research points to indisputable proof that people who engage in brain training can increase memory abilities while improving brain health through regular “exercise” sessions. The best method to keep your brain sharp and fine-tuned is to employ a variety of different challenging mental exercises. Here are a few to consider that are easily accessible on the web and others […]

How to fix Windows 10 error code easily

An error code 10 is associated with Windows Device Manager. At any time when Windows Device Manager cannot handle one of its functions, it displays it in the dialog box and can subsequently cause the user’s operating system to stop working properly. Device Manager in this situation does not have enough information to function correctly, or Device Manager cannot identify […]

Advantages of creating a powerful mobile application for companies

Mobile application development is a widely used term denoting the process by which application software is developed for mobile devices such as personal digital assistants, mobile phones, and enterprise digital assistants. Mobile application development is a challenging set of processes and procedures that involve writing software for small, fast wireless computing devices such as tablets and/or smartphones. Building a mobile […]