Future of mobile apps

A technology decision that needs to be made early on when developing an app is whether to write it using native or web APIs. Depending on the application, native APIs may be required to meet user expectations. However, for most applications, web technologies consisting of HTML 5, JavaScript, and CSS provide equal user experiences. The advantage of using web APIs […]

Importance of citation congruence

Congruence is important in dating. Has he ever met someone who he thought was the most moral and ethical person in the world and he never missed an opportunity to remind her of that? Kind of annoying, huh? Especially when you start to examine their behavior and discover that what they call “ethics and morals” conveniently explains their bad behavior. […]

What is Ericom Access Now?

2012 will see the evolution of server-based and enterprise computing take off. More and more companies are jumping on the bandwagon and incorporating cloud-based and web technology into their core business processes. The reason this year will see a boost is due to the fact that a major bank and the UK government are now adopting the cloud. Security was […]