Cheap Sober Living Near Me – My cheap sober living plan

Cheap Sober Living Near Me

When I lived in the woods next to my uncle, my idea of cheap sober living was that there should be other people around. In particular, I wanted someone who would be “on call.” A person who could come out and take care of me if I needed help without being bothered by the “couch potato crowd.” My Uncle had a friend who could come out and get the job done, and this man became “my guy.”

sober living near me

Living close to my Uncle in the woods was great. I didn’t have to worry about walking for miles and getting lost. I didn’t have to worry about running into wild animals or being attacked by some psychotic vagrant. Uncle kept his property fenced in and a lot of the wooded areas out in the yard so that I didn’t have to worry about what was going on in them.

My other uncle (this is when my fascination with him began) had a beautiful lake in the front yard. The water was clear and we would often row in the lake for hours just to get some exercise. Uncle’s lake had a bench that was right next to the water. When I sat there watching the sun go down on the lake, I would think about my Uncle and the things he had done to create such a special space right next to his lake. He loved it, too.

Cheap Sober Living Near Me – My cheap sober living plan

Now, I live in California, but I still visualize the lake in my mind. This place would be a perfect place to retire at for a few weeks. Uncle’s lake wasn’t always this clean, though. Sometimes it had weeds in it. It wouldn’t be fair if I sat on one of those benches and someone spilled a glass of wine on it, wouldn’t it?

So, I made the decision not to drink near this spot any more. I figured that if I didn’t drink near the area anyway, I might as well stay clear of it. Besides, I was close to the road anyway, so driving a distance inebriated wouldn’t be that bad of an idea. Plus, it was really close to where I parked my car each night.

My cheap sober living near meadow plan was effective for a while, but then one of the neighbors moved away. I really miss him and thought about moving back, but didn’t feel like it was worth it. He came to visit me once a year now, however. I’m thankful that I have a new house built next to the woods. It’s perfect for sitting around, talking, and enjoying the peace and quiet.

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