Lifestyle Fashion

Colon Blow – The extreme colon cleanser

I remember laughing so hard in a Saturday Night Live commercial for Colon Blow. It was a super high fiber cereal that was supposed to equal the amount of fiber found in 10,000 bowls of the closest competitor’s cereal. It was a lot of fun, but trying to perform an extreme colon cleanse on yourself is not. There can be major problems caused by an extreme colon cleanser and they should not be done.

Your colon contains both good and bad bacteria. The idea behind a cleanse is to get rid of the bad bacteria while preserving and purifying the good bacteria. Good bacteria are an important part of the entire digestive system and help it run smoothly. Good bacteria cannot be preserved while doing a quick colon cleanse. It will be flushed out of the body and can leave the colon wide open to infection and disease.

Too much stress on your colon can do you much more damage than any colon cleanse could do well. The colon works in unison with the intestines and stomach and is not used to or designed to go at a super fast pace. If forced to work too hard, the colon could close in an attempt to avoid any damage, causing toxins to spread throughout the body.

When it comes to our health, there is rarely a quick fix to a problem. This is definitely true for cleaning up our settlers. An extreme colon cleanser will do more harm than good.

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