Home Kitchen

Door handles for domestic use

Door handles are an important part of door furniture. Its appearance, location, ease of use and accessibility are important aspects to consider. Door handles generally use a mechanical system with a screw shaft called a spindle that has a flat section placed through the slot in the door. Next, the handles or knobs are placed on each side of the door, fixed to the spindle to allow opening and closing. Different knobs have additional complexity and functionality.

types of door handles

Front door handles are often used for furniture doors that lead to the outside of the house. The knobs come with a locking mechanism for safety.

Privacy knob locks generally do not come with a cylinder locking system. Security features are not important as the main purpose of door furniture is to allow for privacy rather than security. Cabinet door knobs, on the other hand, do not have a locking system. They are used in hallways and for cabinet door furniture. The knobs are used to pull and return the door.

Dummy handles are used more for aesthetic beauty than functionality. These handles fit on electric doors, ball-close doors, or revolving doors.

Considerations when selecting door handles


The quality of the knobs is important as the handles are used regularly. There are various materials used to make door handles. Stainless steel is another one of the most durable materials for furniture door knobs. There are both satin stainless steel and polished stainless steel knobs. There are different grades of stainless steel and you can get an average grade for your home use. Chrome and brass are also durable materials for door handles. Other knobs, such as glass ones, are delicate and may be inappropriate for exterior doors. Although they are very beautiful and elegant, they can easily get dirty and will look bad if not cleaned and shined. Wooden knobs are also available. They may not be as durable as steel handles, but they are much cheaper. In addition to the material used in making your furniture door handles, you should also be interested in purchasing knobs from a reputable company to ensure durability and quality.


The other important aspect to consider when buying door handles is aesthetic beauty. There are artistic knobs that can take various forms, such as a hand, a bottle, or a key. Some handles are placed in the center of the door for aesthetics. You can also get a clear goatee or an old-fashioned one. Doorknobs also come in various colors to match the furniture on the doors and the rest of the house.


When considering the handle, you should also consider its security, especially if you are dealing with exterior doors. For homeowners, it is important to select a knob with a quality locking system. A locksmith can help identify furniture door handles that provide a decent amount of security for the people living in the house. Some door handles may be interfaced with the home security system to alert surveillance when the doorknob is operated when the alarm system is on.


In addition to safety, it is important to consider the functionality of the door furniture handle. If the door is made of hardwood, it should have a handle mechanism that makes it easy to open and close the door. Also, common passage door handles need to be durable to handle continuous handling. You can then use the less durable but more beautiful handles for interior doors that may not require much opening and closing.

One of the main concerns with door knobs, especially for public doors, is hygiene. People, including doctors, have argued that handles spread contagious diseases. By using materials like brass, copper, and silver, you reduce the infection rate as these metals are poisonous to germs.


The cost of the furniture door handle is another important consideration when buying door handles. Be sure to budget before you buy to identify the best handles within your budget. Costs are often higher for handles made of expensive materials, artistically created handles, and the quality of the locking system.

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