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Expanding Your Personal Comfort Zone – Try These 6 Things!

Escaping your own personal comfort zone should become much more than empty rhetoric, but rather creating proactive behavior and concentrating on doing better and more, rather than simply seeking a path of least resistance. ! When was the last time you took the time and went out of your way to pay attention to this key set of details and proactively address them, etc.? Many people talk about this, but few actually do anything to change this behavior. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 things that are helpful in getting stronger, better, and the best you can be, rather than settling for the same – old, same – old. , etc!

1. Checkup, from the neck up: How can someone make positive changes, unless / until they first identify and realize their personal strengths and weaknesses? In my four decades of conducting personal development seminars and consultations, I often suggest starting with a commitment to doing a thorough, objective, introspective check-up from the neck up.

2. Your personal goals, priorities, perceptions: You won’t get any better or happier unless / until you realize that you need to personalize your approach, because when it comes to our needs, there is no such thing as one size fits all! Why are your goals, priorities, and perceptions important to you, and what should you do to expand your personal comfort zone, etc.?

3. Discipline and commitment: It takes considerable discipline and personal commitment to do these things thoroughly, which could make you happier, etc. It takes consistency and willingness to make certain personal changes, when indicated, rather than focusing on your personal comfort, etc.!

Four. Persistence: You cannot expand the limits of your restrictive comfort zone, unless / until you continue with exceptional persistence! How can someone make significant changes, unless they proceed in this way?

5. Personal Values ​​/ Insecurities: Why do so many resort to procrastination and / or denial, when / if, rarely, if, ever, they are productive and / or helpful? Most say it is due to fear of failure, but often it is other factors, such as taking the perceived easier path and / or fear of success, because, one is concerned, it will raise expectations, etc. . Know, understand and address your personal areas of safety and insecurities, and proceed, forward, in your own interest!

6. Think out of the box: Do not run away, far from expanding your comfort zone, because, you think, you will not succeed! Go beyond just the same old, the same old, and think outside the box to find ways to achieve and succeed, rather than just focusing on why you might not.

It is important to be constantly prepared, willing and able to expand the limitations of your personal comfort zone! Will you do what you have to do?

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