Digital Marketing

Fourteen practical steps on how to gain massive traffic

One of the most important aspects of blogging is driving traffic, good traffic to your site, because you can also have bad traffic that will only annoy you. You also have to work to keep them coming with the right commitment.

Why do you want traffic?

1. Traffic means more views

2 More views, if managed well, generate more revenue.

Web traffic can be divided into four main types, mainly:

1. Direct traffic

These come from people who are already aware of your brand and visit your site directly by typing your site name into their web browser.

2. Referral traffic

This is the traffic that comes to your site through external links from other web pages.

3. Organic Traffic

These come to you through online searches that are helped through search engine optimization.

4. Social Traffic

People who visit your site through links on social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and others.

5. Paid traffic

These are made up of Adwords, Remarketing and others.

So how do you drive traffic to your site now? Well, we will look at a combination of factors that work together to achieve the desired result.

1. Theme that grabs attention and drives traffic

Why do some topics appeal to you more than others? You’re browsing a page and suddenly you pause and hover over a title or topic and click on it for more information. Most likely, it caught your eye because it was catchy and attractive. This is how the themes should be. You also need to make sure that you capture what is in demand and what people are actually looking for. Google Trends is particularly useful in this regard, which brings us to our second point.

2. Analyzing your headline

“On average, 5 times more people read headlines than body copy. By the time you’ve written your headline, you’ve spent eighty cents of your dollar” -David Ogilvy

Very sure. When you enter a search term into a search engine and the results show up, scan the headings for something that is engaging or perhaps standout before reading anything else.

This is where a headline parser comes into play. Coschedule is a good option, fast and very effective. It does a complete analysis of your headline and offers you some tips to improve.

The instructions, the list and the questions are particularly good and should be taken advantage of. Emotional and powerful words are also important if you want to light the fire in your headline.

3. Meticulous keyword research

It is important that you research the keywords that are appropriate for your posts. This is essential if having visitors flood your site is important to you. If no one is searching for the words you used in your post, then you won’t get much traffic to your site. Your post should be read with them, but not affect the readability and flow of your post. Doing this will only turn off your readers. It has to be done right. Tools you can use for this include the Google Keyword Tool and similarweb.

Things I would be looking for include:

– How many people are actually searching for that term?

– Will it attract the right kind of audience?

-Will you be able to position yourself as well or better than your competitors?

4. Fundamental content

These are the most important articles on your site. They show what your site is about and are the foundation around which everything else is organized. Cornerstone content is also sometimes known as perennial content. This type of content should be written around and on the keywords you want to rank for in search engines, and it should be contained on the first few pages of your website. Your Cornerstone articles should be detailed and comprehensive to capture all aspects of the topic. Subsequent articles you write related to your Conerstone articles should also link to these all-in articles.

5. Stunning images

Yes, and I mean awesome. Images, photos and images make your article more visually appealing. Humans have a short attention span online, so you need something that will immediately grab their attention and want them to discover more. Images are gradually becoming the universal language and you should take advantage of this. Articles with images have also been found to get 95% more total views than others. However, be sure to give proper credit to any images used or find and use copyright-free images to avoid risking copyright infringement.

6. Page load time

Google considers many factors when ranking websites and page load time is one of them. If your site takes too long to load, you lose traffic.

Ways to reduce charging time:

# Remove unwanted plugins

Sometimes we install too many plugins on our sites, which consumes our server resources and makes our site slow. To avoid this you must

– Disable or uninstall unwanted plugins

– Instead of using multiple plugins

for various functions, use an all-in-one plugin like the

jetpack plugin.

# Optimize your images

Using images from various sources as found can significantly affect site load time. You can compress images using to conditionally load images when readers scroll to the bottom of the page.

# use a CDN

This stands for content delivery network and it is a network of servers located in various countries and helps deliver web content more efficiently. What it does is help a browser get data from a closer source, thus making it load faster.

# Reduce the number of posts on the home page

You can use a tool like Pingdom to analyze your blog’s page load speed. Example:

The more posts you have displayed on your home page, the slower it will load, of course that makes sense. Limit the number of posts that can be displayed in your page settings.

7. Email Campaign

Statistics show that emails convert up to three times more than social networks. The email campaign is an effort worth putting on your blog. All you need to do is make sure you feature relevant posts or posts related to the group and send them out as an email newsletter. Getting email logs can be difficult, but you can use these proven techniques:

> Make subscription forms available

> Build your email list

> Select the type of campaign you want – Newsletter,

offer, advertisement, etc.

> Create your campaign

> Measure your result

8. Participate in online forums

Forums where questions are asked and answered are a great place to hang out and establish a presence. Keep an eye on the topics and queries your posts are relevant to and you’ll soon build a legitimate following.

Sites like Quora and Reddit can give you immediate exposure to over 1 million monthly visitors. Provide links to your blog posts in forum responses and watch your audience grow.

9. Make use of SlideShare

Slideshare is useful to complement the content of your blog and attract a lot of traffic. If done right, your slideshow may even become more popular than the blog post itself. Be sure to provide a link to your blog in the submission.

10. Frequency and duration of publication

The more often you post articles, the more traffic you’ll get, and we’re not talking about just any quality well-researched article back. If you feel like you can’t keep up on your own, you can hire writers on sites like freelancer, Guru, or upwork to compensate.

Longer content of no fewer than a thousand words generally ranks better in search engines than shorter ones. They also often get more shares and links to, so increase your number of posts and give them more length.

11. Make use of content curation sites.

If you are sure of the quality of your articles, you can submit them to these sites that are constantly looking for good content to attract their readers and hope for good traffic.

Sites you can submit to include:

-> Participate Blog

-> Shredder

-> BizSugar

12. Ease of sharing

The presence of social sharing buttons on your page or even better on your posts is the most important thing. It makes it easy for readers to quickly share and spread your posts. Facebook, LinkedIn. Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and others are useful.

13. Guest Post

Getting featured on other blogs that target your target audience will help gain readership and awareness for your brand, so to speak. You can take advantage of the goodwill of others and win back traffic for your blog. Be sure to provide a link to your blog and make sure your posts are stellar. You get backlinks and the more you get, the more likely you are to rank higher in search engine results. The guest site will also benefit from this because they will get new and unique content from a different point of view. New life, you could say. It is a win-win situation.


Linking to another site’s page from your posts, called outbound links, helps Google rank you higher. What’s more, the site you link to may also be linked to you. Outbound links provide your readers with additional resources and material to help them in their search for answers and information.

You can also link from one post to another post within your blog, known as internal linking. Backlinks has already been mentioned above.

my take

The topic of traffic: getting it, keeping it, and growing it has become a focal point that every serious, results-oriented, aspiring blogger cannot afford not to take seriously. After all, the main focus of blogging or any other online activity is Numbers.

What’s the point of writing a good post that people can’t see or read? Only when our audience grows, we get mentions of positive comments and shares, will we be encouraged to produce better posts, and don’t forget the revenue that could accrue from all the traffic.

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