
Ginger – The wonderful root

Have you ever walked down the produce aisle and found yourself staring at the earthy allure of a ginger root? Oddly shaped and distinctively flavored, this “wonder root” is an excellent dietary addition because it includes variable amounts of magnesium, manganese, potassium, and vitamins B6, C, and E. In addition to being loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, ginger root offers a variety of other health benefits. Some studies indicate that it aids digestion, is beneficial for both cholesterol levels and blood pressure, helps with arthritis, and even helps with nausea. It’s quite a versatile root to boot! Ginger can be incorporated into countless recipes and should be included in your regular diet.

Considered a staple in China and India, ginger root has been used for centuries in cooking and medicinal purposes. It has a thick, tan, gnarled, bulbous appearance and grows somewhat horizontal. Actually, it is not a root, but a “rhizome”, an underground stem. Harvested year-round, ginger root is available fresh at most grocery stores, usually in the produce section.

Several studies have investigated the health benefits of ginger. The benefits range from decreasing joint inflammation and arthritis to helping with nausea, athlete’s foot, heart disease, cholesterol reduction, and better circulation. Have you ever bloated? Ginger may be the answer. Many people take the strange looking stem in some form to help with their digestion. Ginger has also been shown to be antiviral, making it a great support for your immune system during periods of increased risk for common colds and flu. It helps reduce muscle spasms and some women take ginger for menstrual cramps. Ginger also helps control fever, bronchitis, respiratory symptoms, and headaches. Do you feel dizzy during a plane trip or while traveling on a cruise? The characteristics of ginger have even been shown to help people with motion sickness.

In our practice, we have seen the most success when ginger is used to help with digestive, intestinal, and gastrointestinal problems, stomach cramps, and arthritis of the fingers. For many of our pregnant patients, ginger has provided relief from their nausea symptoms. Some people choose ginger instead of pain relievers. Ginger also benefits healing in cases of skin wounds, helping to reduce pus and infected areas. Please note that ginger is contraindicated for and should not be used by people with gallstones and gastric/peptic ulcers. During a recent symposium hosted by the American Association for Cancer Research, one study in particular showed that ginger suppressed cancer cells and cleansed the body of toxins. Although more research is needed, ginger’s documented healing effects are good news.

Ginger can be taken whole, liquid, or powdered. If the wonder root doesn’t appeal to your taste buds, try taking it in capsules, which are available at most health food or nutrition stores. The adult dose is usually 25 to 100 milligrams (or 1.5 to 3 milliliters of fluid) per day, although for digestive problems it may be helpful to increase the dose. Ginger root is preferred for use in its natural state, and is particularly beneficial and flavorful when steeped in hot water with green or white tea. See the recipe at the end of this article for a pleasant concoction known as “Oooss Juice.”

Ginger has many uses beyond medicinal and is versatile in the kitchen. Various cultures include it in winemaking, and it is an ingredient in various sweets, teas, curries, sushi, and some French liqueurs. In the US, ginger is probably most popularly known as the base for ginger ale, gingerbread cookies, (gingerbread) cakes, jellies, jams, and other delicious confections and flavorings. Consider adding ginger to your favorite stir-fry recipe, dressings, salads, and even barbecue sauce.

As already described, ginger is an amazing multi-purpose herb! Its numerous health-promoting, symptom-fighting components make it desirable and appreciated. Whether the issues are digestive or fighting inflammation and bloating, ginger can contribute to good health for people at any age.

One of my favorite ginger-based “concoctions” is Oooss juice, the recipe for which is as follows:

ooo juice

– Use a high-quality, heat-retaining 2- to 4-gallon stainless steel pot.

– Boil 1 gallon of water; add ½ pound sliced ​​ginger; simmer gently for 5 minutes and turn off the burner.

– Add 2 to 6 organic green tea bags, steep for 30 to 60 minutes, and remove.

– After 4 to 12 hours, strain the ginger, place the juice in a glass container and chill in the refrigerator. Drink cold or hot.

Ginger, the wonder root, is an ingredient in many exciting recipes, adding an exotic, spicy flavor to food and beverages, and offering remarkable health benefits to those who add it to their diet.

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