
Hardcore Gamer fights against hemorrhoids and video games

The other day I was told about an inveterate gamer who struggles with video games and beat a hemorrhoid in real life. He is the son of a friend who is going to college. He has been a serious hardcore gamer since he was in high school. The video games he plays the most are MAG, Dark Void and Dante’s Inferno. Being a player had never been a problem in the past, other than him not keeping up with what he was supposed to do to help around the house. That’s typical of teens who are always online, playing games or connecting with people on social media.

His freshman year in college hit him hard. He was taking a full schedule of classes and was still trying to spend as many hours as he could playing Dark Void, MAG and Dante’s Inferno video games. Many proctologists agree that stress can cause external hemorrhoids to develop. I have known the young man since he was in high school. He has always been very competitive in the world of games and creating applications. He is a natural choice who is studying for a computer science degree. It must have been the stress that finally made his digestive system harden.

The terrifying moment of her life happened when she was having trouble having a normal bowel movement. The new stress of college and his intense video game sessions had caused severe constipation (also known as constipation, dyssynergic defecation, and dyschezia) that was becoming painful. Teens sometimes keep things to themselves that they feel are too embarrassing. He never talked about it with his parents. Constipation and straining during bowel movements are related to being one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.

As a former hemorrhoid patient, it is frightening and shocking to realize that you have a painful external hemorrhoid. This college student and hardcore gamer never expected hemorrhoids at his young age to be a medical condition that he would have. He was terrified to wipe himself that he felt a lump outside his anus and there were traces of blood. This would make anyone’s heart beat faster. He finally told his parents what he had discovered. After meeting with a doctor, this hardcore gamer and college student was told that he had an external hemorrhoid that had ruptured and was bleeding.

The external bleeding hemorrhoid was caught before it grew too large, so hemorrhoid surgery was not necessary. What his doctor suggested was to use a cold treatment that uses controlled extreme cold to kill the hemorrhoid at its base. This is done by freezing the hemorrhoid causing it to die and gently fall off.

To cure pain relief and stop future bleeding while promoting healing, she was told to take a sitz bath daily until the damaged tissue around the anal cavity was completely healed. This has been a remedy that has been used for centuries with great results. It is a safe and organic method of relieving hemorrhoid conditions and hemorrhoid recovery.

One of the most useful and affordable comfort products suggested to this hardcore gamer by his doctor was to use a hemorrhoid cushion or seat when sitting for extended periods. This would provide comfortable support, promote good circulation, and prevent hemorrhoids from coming back. If he was going to spend hours studying and playing, he needed to be picked up and properly supported. I no longer suffer from hemorrhoids, but I still use a hemorrhoid cushion at home, at work, and when I drive. My friend’s gamer son is completely cured of his external hemorrhoids and is once again enjoying what he loves, learning computers and playing painlessly.

He never told his friends that he had external hemorrhoids, but some of them noticed that he was always sitting on a cool looking cushion when he played, that it was incredibly comfortable and now they are using it. There is concrete evidence that serious gamers who play Dante’s Inferno, MAG and Dark Void will get lots of it. However, using a cushion with great lift and support for sitting will reduce the risk of unsightly bumps developing.

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