Real Estate

Home selling tips to make your home more attractive to buyers

Remember, first impressions count when selling real estate, so it’s important to make your home stand out. There are several simple and basic things you can do to sell your home.

Increase Curb Appeal

Landscaping can have a powerful impact in reducing curb appeal. With spring on the way, there are several easy things you can do to make your home attractive from the outside.

1) Mow the grass in diagonal rows to make it appear larger.

2) Edge grass along driveways and sidewalks. This will show the buyer that you care and pay attention to detail.

3) Transplant tulips or other spring flowers near the walkway or anywhere in front. Use bright colors, especially yellow because it stimulates happiness. Consider containerized plants as well in groups of three to five and place them near the entrance.

staging at home

Organize your house as a home that potential buyers can envision themselves in. Remove extra furniture that clutters up the space and place it for maximum impact. This is a technique that model homes have been using successfully for many years.

When potential buyers visit your home, remove all clutter and store it out of sight (for example, children’s toys in the family room, bills/mail/papers in the study, or makeup/products/appliances in the bathrooms).

Add a new coat of paint

Another thing you can do is paint the walls white (or a neutral color) if they haven’t already. A fresh coat of paint will make everything look cleaner, and white walls will allow a prospective home buyer to imagine his own personal style in the home rather than your own. White walls also make each room feel bigger. Avoid dark colors which can put off a buyer if he doesn’t like the color and makes the room look smaller.

Pay attention to the details

Remember to do the little things to make your home stand out. Details matter. Here are some examples:

1) Wash windows inside and out. Clean all the mirrors.

2) Place fresh flowers that smell clean and inviting.

3) Polish hardwood floors to a shine and vacuum just before any showing.

4) It offers a shoe mat at the entrance and even an umbrella stand. This will encourage prospective buyers and agents to kick off their shoes and help keep your floors looking great.

5) Fluff up the pillows and pull out clean, brightly colored towels. Even consider replacing these items because they are inexpensive and can add interest to a room.

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