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How has texting changed the way we communicate?

It’s easier for us to text our thoughts to the people we love in our life rather than directly communicating in person. We are really missing out on something great this way. What is it? Read on to find out.

Communicating with our loved ones through text messages does not directly show our emotions and facial expressions, which are in fact necessary for both parties to strengthen the relationship.

Communicating directly and listening to the voices of others really portrays whether you are happy or have some concerns, which the other party can discern and therefore show empathy. They can cheer you up in your low moments.

Communicating through text messages is almost like a robot. Write and send. The other party types and sends back. There is not much fun this way if you continue for a long time.

You really do become human when you communicate with someone in person. The words you say and the way you say them can alter someone’s life in a good way, something you may never have imagined.

Texting is fine when you can’t get through to the other person you want or if you’re in too much of a rush so you just leave a short message that may be important to the other person.

How else can texting help you? It may be helpful to give your family your whereabouts quickly when you are away from home and to let your family know how long it will take to return home. That way, your family will be well informed and they will be relieved that you are safe and sound.

Texting can also help you wish others happy birthdays, happy anniversaries, and seasonal greetings. You don’t have time for long conversations, but you want to wish them their important days, so texting is a good option in that case.

On the other hand, getting to know the other person and talking or talking on the phone at least with the other person, where they can hear the voices of others, allows their relationship bond to grow a higher level so that they can call again and again. or get together. each other to share life stories, anecdotes or problems. Yes, you need best friends to trust during the high and low times.

Texting is so machine-like that love can barely sprout from them. Love flourishes when they meet, they dress elegantly and really look and speak gracefully, listening to the voices of others.

So it’s really important that when you communicate with someone else, you really consider whether you just want to text or meet in person. If you are willing to have a promising relationship, you should opt for the latter. In case you just want to text someone with no intention of approaching them, that’s fine, go ahead and text.

Always keep in mind that beautiful relationships are born from talking, listening, laughing, joking, touching and above all, seeing yourself in reality.

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