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How to tap into divine guidance to find your soul mate

The desire to find your soul mate can become a transformational journey, it’s a matter of having the right perspective. Today’s dating world can easily lead us away from that perspective. To get back on the right path, we need to understand; the purpose of a relationship, what a journey is about, how we receive guidance, how to interpret messages, and how we move forward.

side effects of online dating

With the rise of online dating, much of the mystery and excitement has been taken out of dating because it’s too easy. We then make judgment-based lists of what we think we want to test people for.

Much of what we might be looking for could also be in the defense to avoid the pain of the side effects of the online dating system. Because there are so many options, we are dismissed as numbers, which creates a huge disconnect.

Online dating can be helpful for some who really have a hard time meeting people, but in moderation. Its excessive use can become a distraction to find the soul mate. So let’s refresh our memory on how to use our divine guidance to understand what our hearts really want, not what the ego wants.

The purpose of a relationship

The purpose of a relationship and a soulmate relationship is to teach us how to love more fully. To get there, we have lessons to learn, habits and beliefs to let go of.

Love is something that should automatically flow through us when we feel pure. Therefore, what we need to focus on is letting go of the blockages and remembering our pure state. It is very important to be clear about this because our egos want to protect us from our blocks.

The whole process is much easier when we are able to surrender to everything. This is where divine guidance will take us as we finally want to realign with emotional balance. The closer we are to achieving this, the closer we will be to attracting our soul mate, who can appear at any time.

understand the journey

A journey to find our soul mate is a journey that starts from within. The emotions of finding the right person are very intense, so we need to have achieved the right emotional balance to be able to handle them.

Not everything is easy as a fairy tale, we will be challenged to learn the big lessons we have to learn and we have to be prepared to handle that. That is also a sign that we put the right person. They are there to show us the way to surrender our ego, since that is how true love will come out.

It is all part of the divine plan. That is why the journey is about preparing ourselves emotionally. The more we ignore this, the more painful experiences we will have to go through to realize this truth. However, with the right vision, the road will be very exciting, fulfilling and joyous!

Recognizing divine guidance

Divine guidance comes in the form of significant experiences, signs, mysterious coincidences, and synchronicity, all for the purpose of showing us what we need to learn. We will develop our intuition as we learn to read the messages.

Most of the battle is open to them, because we may only need to understand their meanings later as we experience other events to connect the dots. They can come in the form of meeting people with significant similarities to make sure we pay attention to connecting with other people who also have them. We might be thinking of something when it miraculously appears in front of us. We can get certain feelings that take us somewhere for a reason. There are many ways in which we can be intuitive about orientation.

Following Divine Messages

The messages may even be meant to lead to pain, rejection, or unpleasant confrontations. When they do, it’s important to allow the feelings to flow without blocking them. These feelings will remind us of the baggage that we must part with. Nothing to take personally, just conditioning that we’ve been dragging on for too long.

We all have baggage, it’s a part of life, they are meant to make us appreciate happiness when we get up from them. We also draw great lessons from them. Part of the journey is learning to heal so that we are less and less afraid in order to be open to love.

The messages can also tell us to put down the list of what we are looking for in our potential soul mate. As we want things to be easy, we could wish for a quality that facilitates the well-being of one of our own, however, this can go against the divine plan.

Many of our qualities will flourish when challenged, not necessarily when agreed. We naturally like to stay in comfort zones, so it could be detrimental to our growth to have everything on “our list.”

It is also important not to turn this journey into an intense analytical process, which turns off our intuition and we can read things that are not yet meant to be read. The other part is learning to trust the right experiences to come instead of forcing them.

Put the lessons into action

Trusting ourselves to be present in the moment versus making sure we take all the right steps to make things happen. We all know that trying too hard or seeking too hard leads to failure. Therefore, in our inner journey, it is important to let go of what makes us want to control. From there we will find other things that block us in our emotional balance.

There is an easy way to turn struggle into joy when we realign ourselves with what love is meant to do for us. As much as I encourage using life experiences to meet people, online dating can probably be helpful when used with insight and balance.

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