Lifestyle Fashion

How will you recognize Candida death when it happens?

The symptoms of death are many and vary greatly from person to person, so how will you recognize death from candida when it occurs? They usually start 2-5 days after starting the diet/supplements and last about 10 days. Symptoms include: feeling like yeast-related symptoms are getting worse, feeling like the flu, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, brain fog, loss of concentration and memory, muscle and joint pain, chest tightness with palpitations, feeling like you have a film on the eyes, eye irritation and feeling of drunkenness.

The best way to relieve death symptoms is to stick to the diet as much as possible, drink plenty of water with lemon juice, take enemas, close the ileocecal valve. This technique is described in detail in the book “Candida”. The author suggests that the best way to alleviate die-off is to start the diet one week with garlic and Pau D’arco tea (another name for Pau D’Arco tea is Taheebo tea) and then start caprylic acid the next week, building dosing to full dose after a further 16 days.

A woman shares her experience during the die-off where she drank Emergen-C and ate and drank very little, such as broths or soups, so her stomach could focus on removing toxins. She also soothes the sinuses drinking ginger tea during dieback, and at the same time, she tastes good, helps the stomach digest, and warms you up inside. Whenever her muscles hurt a lot, she took a lot of baths or lay down and rested. She can also play a good healing tape with guided imagery or relaxing music. Mortality is like nasty revenge, but once it’s over, it’s over and you’ll feel cleaner and better.

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