Arts Entertainments

Manscaping 101: How to Get a (Mostly) Hairless Penis

Grab the machetes, boys! It’s time to traverse the pubic jungles and join your friends who are rocking a hairless penis. Who knows where it started, but now more and more men are choosing to abolish their ruffled shorts for a more fluid, flowing experience in Holland. Who knows where this trend came from, be it porn or GQ, but men are seeing huge advantages in going hairless. Let’s discuss this trend, how to get it, and the things a man might want to know before making the decision to have a hairless penis.

benefits of hairless penis

So why would a man want to put sharp things near his penis? Exactly, the benefits have to be pretty sweet to bring the razors and more to the area. Here are some reasons why men have chosen to go all out.

1) It makes the penis look bigger. Let’s be honest, this is one of the biggest draws out there. Many women have whispered, “If you shave, you can see how big you really are,” to a man after a oral session while he’s picking his mouth hair. He knew what he was doing: he wants less fuss and you want to feel huge. win win

2) Unrestricted access. As mentioned above, a hairless penis or one that is well maintained has a more hospitable feel to guests. In a study conducted by Cosmopolitan magazine, 70% of women said they preferred a man who kept his hair down. Do you want more orals? Invest in some trimmers.

3) Improves the smell of the penis. Hair traps odor and all sorts of biological particles like urine, sweat, bacteria, semen, dead skin cells, and last night’s ramen (just kidding). All these little bits can make one big smell when wrapped up in a warm cocoon of pubic hair. Skip a shower day or watch the time tick away to realize just how real funk can get. Shaving off your hair means fewer places for these extras to cling, resulting in cleaner, less odorous litter.

4) Accommodating partner. A hairless penis is smoother and less likely to cause the road rash that can occur with a lot of movement and friction. It also makes the penis easier to see and adjust as needed so a man can just sit back and enjoy from time to time.

hair removal methods

There are several ways to remove pubic hair. Some are a bit easier than others, but all have their advantages and disadvantages.

-Shaved off – The most common way to remove hair. It can be done with a manual or electric razor or even a razor. Be sure to use a good pre-shave oil and only shave each area once to reduce the incidence of razor burn. Rinse well and follow with Tend Skin to reduce ingrown hairs.

– waxing – A longer lasting method, it can be a bit more difficult to find a salon that does men’s Brazilian waxes, but they are available! It will be a somewhat painful procedure, but the skin is left soft and smooth afterward. Most results last five to six weeks, longer after multiple waxes.

– Depilatory Creams – These creams are usually too harsh for the delicate skin of the genitals.

The hairless penis: a small inconvenience

It would not be correct to list the benefits without some of the risks. First of all, the hair removal process can cause some anxiety and nervousness, which is natural. Be sure to research your method, and if you hire a professional, vet them thoroughly. For men who choose to shave or wax, there’s a good chance the skin will be a little sensitive, maybe red and a little sore afterward. Ingrown hairs can also be quite painful. For men who use razors, be sure not to catch skin with them or go over an area more than once, as it can cause razor burn. The growing process can also be quite itchy.

Post-care for a hairless penis

For those men who dare to go nude, a little post waxing skin care can help with the redness and roughness you may feel in the newly removed area. Cold packs are a great way to get heat out of the area. Simply soak a clean, soft washcloth in cold water, wring it out, and then place it on your penis. Repeat as necessary. Hydrocortisone (OTC) creams can also help shrink inflamed follicles and reduce redness.

Another way to reduce redness is to apply a specially formulated penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven to be safe and gentle on skin.). These creams are very soothing for the skin and promote healing. Using a cream with natural emollients like shea butter that doesn’t irritate the skin and instead rehydrates it is a great way to bring your skin back into balance. Add some vitamins A, B, C, and D for cell strength, bacteria prevention, and elasticity. Soon the skin will be silky and soft to the touch.

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