Arts Entertainments

Masturbation methods for a sore penis

In many ways, masturbation is good for a man’s health; it relieves stress, puts you in touch with what you love and adds a dose of pleasure to your day. Sometimes, however, frequent or rough handling can leave a man with penile pain. While following certain penis care steps, such as using lubricant and avoiding a tight grip, can help prevent pain, a man is likely to feel some tenderness in the region from time to time.

It’s usually a good idea to give your member a break when it’s sore, but sometimes it’s hard to resist the urge to masturbate. There are some methods that men can use to protect their sensitive penises while still gratifying their desires.

when my head hurts

For many men, the head of the penis is the most sensitive part. This leaves you susceptible to becoming overly sensitive, particularly if a man has rubbed you vigorously or has become aggressive, exposing you to the friction of his pants.

A man with pain in the head of his penis, along with a need to indulge himself, may use this as an opportunity to try out some new styles. Consider the following:

Basic approach: Some men focus so much on the sensitive head when they masturbate that they never discover what potential pleasure lies at the other end. A man can try to concentrate on the base of his penis, varying the pace and tightening his grip. He may want to get his testicles involved, too – gentle stroking, light tapping, and/or gentle squeezing can amplify his pleasure.

Ring fingers: Circle the thumb and forefinger of your right hand around the base of the penis; Slide the ring up just to the base of the head, then follow along with the ring and index fingers of the other hand. Continue alternating until climax.

When the shaft is sore

Sometimes the shaft may have borne the brunt of chafing from previous sessions of sex or masturbation, leaving the head an easy prey. In that case, men can try these clever head-focused masturbation methods:

Palm rub: Lubricate the palm of one hand, then rub it against the head of the penis until orgasm.

Tip Tapping: Once fully erect, gently tap the head of the penis with your fingertips. This method can take some time to achieve the grand finale, but the suspense, coupled with the unique feel, can make it worth the extra time.

Additional tips

Using more lube while masturbating is a good idea to both prevent and control pain. While the friction of a dry hand may feel good in the moment, it may not feel as hot afterwards.

If men are chronically sore from their solo routines, they may want to ask themselves if their grip is too tight. If a man can’t experience pleasure without a super-strong grip, he may have desensitized his penis to more subtle sensations. This could pose a performance risk to him while he is with a real partner. Taking a break from masturbation and then retraining yourself to respond to gentler methods can help. If a man cannot achieve this on his own, a sex therapist could be of great value.

One final step that men can take to prevent and recover from penile pain is to use a quality penis health cream. (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Packed with shea butter and vitamin E, Man1 Man Oil hydrates the skin, keeping it smooth, soft and resistant to friction. The daily application of the product can make a big difference in the general condition of the skin and the time it takes for a man to recover from his last hands-on session. In addition to using lube and preventing a stranglehold on the member, this cream will help maintain penile health and get a man ready for his next trip to Pleasuretown.

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