Legal Law

Mercury and aluminum present in flu vaccines?

Many people, including some health professionals, are concerned about mercury and aluminum in flu vaccines. This is not a new concern for those who are against flu vaccines, but it is relevant as flu season approaches.

The biggest concern about mercury and aluminum in flu vaccines stems from concerns about Alzheimer’s and autism. Even among those who are not against flu vaccines, some are against mercury and aluminum in flu vaccines. New York State recently passed a law banning the preservative thimerosal from flu vaccines and other vaccines intended for children and pregnant women. Thimerosal is mercury based and is known to cause allergic reactions in many people. On top of that, mercury is a known neurotoxin, meaning it damages nerve cells and has been linked to autism.

New York State is not against flu vaccines. In recent years, New York City and other areas of New York have had trouble getting enough flu shots for high-risk citizens. The ban came after several studies linked an increase in cases of autism (a condition first seen in childhood and characterized by impairments in communication and social interaction, as well as language and learning problems). with vaccines and flu shots that contain thimerosal. Some health professionals still maintain that the risk of complications from the flu is greater than the risks that may be associated with mercury and aluminum in flu vaccines.

Some people are against flu shots, generally because they or someone close to them had a reaction to the flu shot. Sometimes it’s a mild reaction, like a mild case of the flu. Sometimes it is a more serious condition that can be due to mercury and aluminum in flu vaccines. Many people blame the onset of their Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on mercury and aluminum in flu vaccines.

It is important to note that these cases are rare. Although complications from the flu, particularly pneumonia, caused more than 60,000 deaths in the United States in 2003, only a few cases of complications from the flu vaccine were reported and none were life-threatening. People who are against flu vaccines generally focus on the rare but serious reactions to the vaccine and on mercury and aluminum in flu vaccines. People who are not against flu vaccines focus on the number of deaths each year caused by the flu virus.

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