Health Fitness

NordicTrack Space Saver E5 Si Elliptical Trainer Review

The NordicTrack SpaceSaver E5 si elliptical trainer, titled Agility, is a novelty as it has a folding mechanism to allow you to easily store the machine when not in use. This is a fairly standard feature on most home treadmills and it is the second in the NordicTrack range to use this feature. So the question is, does it really save space and does the folding mechanism affect the stability of the machine? Well, it saves some space (about 2-3 feet), so it makes sense if you want to store the machine in a smaller space.

The elliptical has been rated to support an exerciser with weights up to 275 pounds, and while the folding mechanism doesn’t affect the sturdiness of the machine too much, I think 275 pounds is too high for this elliptical.

This elliptical has the iFit card reader built into the computer console. Each iFit card comes with an exercise program designed by a certified personal trainer. Your trainer talks with you throughout your exercise routine and manages the resistance of the elliptical during your workout.

Beyond the iFit programs, this elliptical trainer also has six workout programs. Four of these are classified as aerobic, weight loss, or performance programs. The programs manage the resistance of the machine to ensure you get an accurately calculated workout every time you exercise.

There are also two heart rate controlled programs built into the machine. These increase or decrease the resistance of the machine as needed to ensure your heart rate stays within predetermined limits. Not surprisingly, your heart rate is monitored by “Club Design CardioGrip” heart rate monitors that are built into the handlebars of the machine.

This SpaceSaver E5 does have some really nice extras for an elliptical in this price range. Notably, this elliptical trainer has a large built-in fan that changes its airflow depending on how hard you’re working out. You can also set the fan to blow constantly if needed. If you like to listen to music while you exercise, you’ll be pleased that NoricTrack has built-in speakers that allow you to play music through your mp3 player or iPod.

The stride on the SpaceSaver E5 elliptical if it is set to an 18” pitch. If you’re not of average height, you’re better off looking for a machine with a stride that’s more suited to your height, or paying for a machine with an adjustable stride setting.

I always find warranties interesting as they directly demonstrate confidence in the quality of their equipment. This NordicTrack elliptical trainer comes with a lifetime warranty on the frame and 1 year on parts and labor. I would like to see the warranty more in line with the warranties on the treadmills we see.

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