
Reasons for blood in my dog’s stool

Although a veterinarian should be consulted, you can find some answers on the most common problems related to the causes of blood in your dog’s stool. Keep in mind that serious illnesses and ailments can also be the cause.

Possible reasons for concern about blood in my dog’s stool could be the result of parasites like hookworm that adhere to the lining of the intestinal tract and live off the dog’s blood supply. If your dog is pregnant, hookworms can even travel to unborn puppies, invading their little systems before they are born. Another parasite that can cause bloody diarrhea is Giardia, which is transmitted from pet to pet through soil, water, or food. Of course, there are many other parasites, but not all cause symptoms or bloody diarrhea. Only a stool sample can confirm the presence of parasites in your dog.

Aside from seeing blood in your dog’s stool, are there any other symptoms? Severe diarrhea or vomiting, is your dog eating? These symptoms can be a sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis or HGE, which is a non-contagious disease believed to be caused by an abnormal response to bacteria and can be fatal. Any young adult dog of any breed can be affected, but generally smaller dogs like Toy Poodles and Miniature Schnauzer seem to be affected. This disease can be treated and, if left untreated, can lead to death.

A vet mentioned that other causes of blood in my dog’s stool could be from Parvo, if he is not vaccinated, bladder or kidney infections, eating poison or plastic, even constipation or his diet. A wrong diet, which causes inflammation of the intestines, can be easily solved by changing the diet. Stress can cause intestinal breakouts as well as other serious problems like kidney or intestinal disease.

Another consequence of excessive diarrhea or vomiting could be dehydration. If your dog is not adequately hydrated, the result could be a life or death situation. So unless you know for sure what could be causing the blood in your dog’s stool, the problem really needs to be checked so that you are no longer concerned and your dog does not suffer unnecessarily.

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