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Secrets of writing like a pro

Are you grammatical phobic? That’s a term I made up for people who would love to write for a publication, but hold back because they’re worried about grammar. They mistakenly believe that writing is a basic process: first you get a thorough grounding in grammar, and then you can start writing.


I grant you there is a reason most of us think this way (I used to). Most of us have spent years in classrooms trying to master tasks like underlining subjects and predicates, circling adverbial clauses, diagramming sentences, and labeling parts of speech. And most of us, frankly, are never very good at any of those things. When I was finishing my Ph.D. in English, students at the university requested a traditional grammar course because they felt insecure about these skills.

I decided not to take the course, and not for the reason you might expect. To tell the truth, I’m not very confident in diagramming sentences either. But I had already written something for publication, working with some of the best editors in the business, and had discovered a secret that deserves to be more widely known: Every minute you spend thinking about adverbial clauses and nominative predicates is a minute you’re doing. not thinking about what really matters: Showing your ideas.

Here is an analogy. Suppose you are learning to drive a car and your instructor insists that you memorize the parts of a car engine and learn how they work together. No one would deny the usefulness of that information. It could be very helpful, for example, when you’re talking to a mechanic who might be trying to sell you repairs your car doesn’t need.

But while you’re waiting to get your driver’s license, wouldn’t it be better to spend your time learning how to drive your car in real driving situations? In my opinion, you need instruction on blind spots, four-way stops, flashing yellow and red lights, and similar real-life driving situations.

Write again. Will basic grammar instruction help you become a better writer? Watch professional writers at work and you may be able to answer this question for yourself.

Most professional writers are busy people and are often running against a deadline. If you could look inside the brain of a professional writer (what you’re doing right now!), you wouldn’t find terms like “adverbial clause” and “subjunctive case” floating around. Instead, you would hear questions like these:

  • How can I attract the readers who need the information I am about to share?
  • How can I win over readers who may disagree with what I’m trying to tell them?
  • How should I organize my material?
  • Do I have enough support material? If not, how can I find more examples and ideas?
  • What should I leave out?
  • What type of shade will work best? For example, should I sound impersonal and wise, or friendly and down to earth?

So what are some practical ways you can improve your writing skills? My first suggestion would be NOT to buy a grammar book. This is what I recommend:

1. Read, read, read. Reading is the BEST way to develop the language and thinking skills you need to be a top-tier writer.

2. Analyze what you have read. What did the writer do well? What didn’t work? What can you learn?

3. Make a plan for each writing task. Before you start your first draft, take a few minutes to answer these questions:

  • Who will read your article?
  • What does your audience already know?
  • What will you tell them that is new?
  • How can you arouse their interest?
  • What can you leave out?
  • What are some stories and examples that can bring your ideas to life?
  • How will you organize your ideas? For example, can you use the concept of “three” to create logic and flow? (three forms of… three examples of… three components of)

What about usage issues? Yes, usage errors can be a problem. But there are tricks to correct them that do not require a technical vocabulary of grammar. Find books and websites that offer quick typing corrections in everyday language and you’ll learn quickly.

Be patient, be persistent and keep checking back. You’ll soon realize that you’re on your way to writing like a pro, and it feels great to finally be on your way.

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