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The 5 commandments to seduce women

Learning how to be physical, climbing, and eventually seducing women is one of the least-seen aspects of the game. Most guys will memorize every world line, know every little routine, read every seduction book known to man, and still not have sex…

Simply put, if you don’t get physical, you’re not going to have sex.

In this article, I have outlined the 5 commandments to seduce women. Understanding and implementing this into your life will make the difference from being the guy who knows a lot about this topic of seduction to being the guy who actually experiences real results.

1. Although it will not be a disgusting

Most men who try to seduce women come across as disgusting to the women they meet. They sit at home reading seduction books and when they try to be Don Juan in the real world, they look more like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings.

Below are some examples of what certain men think they are doing to seduce women and what it is like. Really bumping…

Unflinching sexual gaze = Burning eyes of creepy man
Talking slow and sexy = cheap impersonation of Barry White
Running your fingers down your back = Weird trying to cop-a-Feel

It is vital to understand that seduction is the last phase of the game. When you go out to meet and talk to women, trying to seduce them should be the last thing on your mind. Although you should always physically climb and push the envelope, the vibe around you should be fun, carefree, and light-hearted. Notice how I didn’t say serious or mysterious or any of the other traits that someone would describe as a flirt.

With women, the order of your game should be…

1. You attract women by being a confident man to have fun with. He stands out in some positive way from all the other men she has met in the past by being fun, interesting, playful, challenging, etc.
2. Connect emotionally with the woman by getting to know you. Earn their trust by sharing personal stories about yourself, learning more about their own life, and finding similarities between the two of you.
3. Seduce.

If you try to do step 3 before steps 1 and 2, you will end up very badly. Always remember that.

2. Although it will grow a couple

At one end of the spectrum, you have the guy who tries to be Mr. Seductive Man and turns out to be a major pervert doing it. The first commandment was addressed to him. At the other end of the spectrum you have the huge coward who thinks his hand will explode if he touches a woman’s arm. This commandment is addressed to him.

To seduce women, you have to be able to step up and pull the trigger. This means not being afraid of having physical contact with the women you meet. It means not hesitating when it’s time to put your arm around her, hold her hand, hug her, and kiss her. It means having confidence in yourself when you do these things. It means being comfortable with sexuality and not being a coward in showing this comfort to the world.

For many men, this is a difficult thing to do. Many boys grew up in homes where they hardly ever touched their relatives. They never greeted their mom and dad with a giant hug and kiss every time they saw them and they felt even weirder doing this to a sibling. This left them feeling scared and uncomfortable whenever it came to touching another person, especially a woman.

One thing to realize is that women LOVE the feeling of human contact, whether it’s holding her hand, hugging her, or just giving a high five. Touch is something that connects people that words and thoughts could never do. So be comfortable with touch and don’t be afraid to express it.

3. It will scale though

The guys think they can “hook up” their way to the bedroom, and then BOOM, a sexual volcano erupts out of nowhere. This is not the case in the real world. To seduce women, you need to establish physical chemistry early on, long before the two of you even make it to the bedroom.

A girl’s sexual comfort level is like a volume knob, you have to constantly turn that knob up when you’re with her. When you two first meet, your level is 0. During your time with her, it’s your job to raise it to level 1, then level 2, and finally to level 10. When you turn the knob, she will eventually turn your knob. (literally and figuratively speaking).

The key word here is consequently turn the volume knob. You have to establish a physical dynamic between the two of you early on and constantly push the envelope to the finish line.
“The longer you take to touch a woman, the weirder and more awkward it will become when you finally do. You should not wait more than 10 minutes to start some kind of contact with her. I know it sounds creepy, but stay with me here. Whether this touch is simply a high-five, giving her a hip bump with yours, or touching her shoulder when you’re trying to make a point, you need to make a physical connection. Once this settles in, continue to hold it and increase it between the two. Usually something will go in this order…

high five
hip bump
Touch his arm to emphasize a point.
Arm over her shoulder
Tease hitting her ass
hand on his back
hold hands
smell her hair
Kiss (I’ll keep this article PG-13 and end it right here)

You’ll have a good sense if she’s comfortable with whatever you’re doing. If she gives you positive signals, she continues with what you are doing. If you feel that she is uncomfortable in any way, she will back off and try again later.

I can’t stress this point enough: use your damn head with this stuff. If a girl says that she’s not, she stops what you’re doing. He continues with the fun vibe the two of you had, then try again later when he feels like she’s more comfortable with it.

4. The thought will make her feel comfortable.

For a woman to be comfortable with sexuality, you must be comfortable with it. If you’re a little nervous putting your arm around a woman, you’re going to scare her off. She freaked out = another night of porn for you.

Think of this as if you were taming a wild horse. If you’ve ever seen wild horses, they are SUPER comfortable with a person touching and riding them if and only if the person is 100% comfortable doing it themselves. Every time a person who is a bit scared tries to ride it, the horse freaks out and won’t even let the person near it. Women are the same way. Whatever you feel inside is literally transferred to the woman.

For men who don’t have a lot of experience with women, getting comfortable with these things can be a difficult thing to do. Sure it’s easy to tell yourself that you must be cool as ice when it’s time to step up, but it’s a lot different when you’re out in the real world. So what’s a guy to do then?

The only way to get comfortable with these things is through experience. It’s just like any other stressful thing you’ve done in the past. Take driving for example. As a sweet teenager, he was probably a bit nervous when he first drove a car. After several times it was easy and windy from there. The same goes for women. You’ll probably be an awkward mess when you practice this stuff until you finally get the hang of it. But sooner or later you will get VERY comfortable with these things and when you do, this “not having sex” problem of yours will never be an issue.

5. Although it will be persistent

In the third commandment, I said that when a girl says no, stop what you’re doing. However, one important point that you should also understand is that, generally speaking, when a woman says that she doesn’t, she just means “not yet.”

When a woman stops your physical advances, it most likely just means that she isn’t 100% comfortable with it yet. By no means does that mean she’s ruling the whole idea. Most guys take this as a complete rejection. This is simply false. All she’s hit is a red light in her path on her journey to “happy land.” This does not mean turning around and driving home. It just means backing off a bit, being patient, and still having a good time. The light will eventually turn green, so don’t panic.

There are a thousand and one different mental barriers that you will have to break down inside a woman’s mind to make her go all the way. In the woman’s mind, she is thinking…

My friends will think I’m the biggest bitch…
This guy will never call me back if we do…
I don’t fully trust this guy…
I look like a cow in this dress I’m wearing…
I haven’t shaved in a while, he’ll think I look like a monkey…
And it goes on and on and on…

If it stops you in your tracks, it’s usually because of a mental barrier preventing you from moving forward. It’s your job to break down those mental barriers so she’s ready to take things to the next level. This means letting the girl know that you are not the type of guy to judge people, especially women. It means being relaxed and at ease so that she feels comfortable. It means letting her know that she can leave at any time. It means understanding that she wants it just as much as you do, if not more than you do. It means not looking like a used car salesman trying to close the deal. It means being a good guy, not a jerk.

Once he feels these things from you, every one of his walls will come crashing down and the goodness will begin.

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