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The nightmare of ataxic cerebral palsy

Although the occurrence of ataxic cerebral palsy is quite rare (this type only accounts for about 5 to 10 percent of all cases), keep in mind that it is still cerebral palsy and can cause bothersome problems not only in your affected child but also in others. you too. The following are some of the facts you should be aware of:

o The cerebellum is the part of the human brain that is damaged, causing the ataxic type of disorder. It is responsible for the coordination and balance of body movements.

o Once damaged, it could result in the following:

o Hypotonic disorder or poor muscle tone;
o Have difficulty maintaining balance;
o Depth perception disorders;
o Several tremors; Y
o Inability to control movement and range of voluntary movements.

o Affected children may show the following signs:

o Demonstrate unstable joy;
o Intention tremors when trying to perform any voluntary movement;
o Clumsiness and difficulty performing such voluntary movements;
o The writing task is severely affected;
o Depth perception disorder results in more clumsy movements such as reaching for any object;
o Involuntary and rapid movements of the eyeball; Y
o Other related conditions, such as visual and hearing impairments, seizures, and possibly mental retardation.

In most cases, a doctor diagnoses a child for any possible presence through a combination of a meticulous physical exam and findings from medical imaging methods such as MRIs and CT scans. Such findings along with the result of the physical examination are used to assess and identify whether the brain is developing normally or not. Also, if not diagnosed early, it can worsen as the affected child ages.

Sadly, the cure has to be formulated. However, it can be treated with the help of medical therapies and substances. One of the popular treatments used to combat it is to undergo a process called chronic cerebellum. Begin by placing any means of stimulation, such as an electrode, on the surface of the damaged cerebellum. This is believed to restore muscle tone and balance.

It is important for you to be aware of the signs of ataxic cerebral palsy as this will be your signal if your child has it, so you may want to take them to your doctor for further evaluation. Her son’s life and her future are at stake here, so it is imperative that she not be negligent. Be alert and aware of ataxic cerebral palsy.

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