Lifestyle Fashion

The sex industry focuses on male gratification

Sexuality is about talking to, watching, or interacting with others in exchange for payment or other non-relational rewards. Depending on our personality, we can employ a variety of behaviors and attitudes to attract, impress, or arouse a potential lover. Sexual contacts are usually a private matter. We are alone or with another person. Most people are not comfortable with group sex. This is a matter of how we view intimacy, but it is also about our enjoyment of showing off our bodies or being watched by others.

The way we express our sexuality depends on our personality. We find different situations and people more attractive than others. Even the most promiscuous men are not attracted to everyone. Sex is political and social. We have sex with someone who impresses us, who is above (or below) us socially. This is true for men and women, just for different reasons. For women it is purely social, for men it can be both sexual and social. Sex has to do with the power to arouse, seduce and dominate another person.

Human sexuality is often presented in terms of a relationship. This allows male and female sexuality to be seen purely through social relationships and reproduction. The mass sex industry is given little importance due to the taboo on men paying women for sex. Men have a need for sex that is quite independent of any relationship or emotional feelings. Eroticism is defined by male arousals and the role of women is to arouse.

Sexual pleasure is often linked to immorality due to associations with the sex industry, where women provide sexual services for male gratification. Men may be tempted to withdraw from their wives and families in search of sexual gratification. Both casual sex and prostitution increase the chances of contracting a sexual disease. The chances of contracting a disease increase the more penetrative sex we have with different partners.

When a man has no emotional feelings for a woman, he simply uses her as a sexual outlet. Women are exploited by being driven into prostitution or pregnancy by men. Then the men disappear without paying the consequences of their actions. When a woman has no emotional connection with a man, she may offer sex only for money or other rewards (such as dinner). When women use their bodies to attract men’s attention, they feel in control.

All over the world and by any means possible, women sell sex to men. If women got the same pleasure as men, they wouldn’t need to be paid. However, when it comes to providing sexual information to young people, no one is willing to be honest and admit any difference between the male and female experience. Men protect their sexual interests and women are ashamed or ashamed of the trade they are inevitably involved in.

Women parade prostitutes because they pose a threat, both physical and psychological. The idea that another woman can provide a man with the sexual release she needs is a threat even if she has to pay for it. Men cause the problem because (unlike women) they don’t need an emotional connection to enjoy sex. Many men prefer to have it if they can.

For men, sex is like a magic pill that makes the world seem more positive. Some men see women as a distraction from everyday life. Sex represents an escape from the real world into fantasy. Sex can also be a form of male entertainment. Sex does not fulfill the same function for women.

There is no problem in promoting sex to men. When promoting sex to women, it needs to be associated with softer, more romantic or relationship images. Instead of sex fairs, love, sex and intimacy fairs are used to attract women. Women feel confident that they will not be exposed to the explicitly erotic excitement that men enjoy. Women prefer to talk about love, affection, communication and support within love relationships.

A man wants to have sex regardless of how a woman feels. So women look for information that helps them understand how they might enjoy an act that men insist on. It is not about the desire to enjoy sexual pleasure or the need to have an orgasm, it is about the role of women in male satisfaction.

Sex is enormously political. Arguments involve opinions (rather than facts) intended to persuade people to behave in a certain way. Young women are the target. Pornographic and exploitative images are available to everyone, regardless of age, at the click of a button. These images are often violent, humiliating and degrading to women. They send mixed messages to men about consent, personal boundaries, and sexual pleasure. It is dangerous for anyone to constantly immerse themselves in fictional media. They inevitably lose the ability to differentiate between fiction and reality.

Most people feel that it is inappropriate to discuss sexual matters in front of children and adolescents. Shame focuses on the fantasies that men spin around female sexuality. In the same way, sex educators often provide medical and biological data, but carefully avoid talking about sexual pleasure. Women are often offended by references to sexual pleasure because sexual activity tends to focus on male gratification.

The truth is… this (lap-dance) is a masculine form of entertainment… for men! (Peter Stringfellow 2012)

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