Health Fitness

Timely tips to get out of the traps of angry time

Anger is one of the most challenging time traps out there. But once you recognize the pitfalls, you can start to break free and increase your effectiveness!

Let’s explore 3 anger traps that may be familiar to you. Then I’ll share a powerful exercise that can free you up in just 3 easy steps.

3 traps of anger

  • Reliving your anger keeps you stuck. Rehearsing, justifying, and fuming are huge wastes of time that keep you spinning and getting you nowhere. Time passes as you step on the water.

  • Filtering out or spitting out your anger destroys relationships and effectiveness. Sooner or later your anger will escape and things will get complicated! Splashed anger hurts others and lowers self-esteem. The work takes longer and the results don’t shine!

  • Denial blinds you and dulls your judgment. You can’t deal with something if you deny it. Not only that, but when you disconnect from anger, overall clarity is lost. Your ability to observe and make decisions suffers, and you are more likely to make mistakes … wasting more time!

Here’s a simple exercise to restore your effectiveness, safeguard key relationships, and ultimately help you save time from the sneaky traps of anger.

3 steps to release the anger trap and free up your time

  1. Let out the anger, in a not sent anger letter. This is a powerful tool for relieving stress that anger creates. Write a letter to the person or situation that makes you angry and do not condemn anything. Venting now allows you to think clearly later. Once you’re done, stretch a bit and move your energy. Try rereading your letter (s) and see what you discover. What about your sense of personal power? Take this to the next step.

  2. Strengthen your autonomy to empower yourself. As you take responsibility for your responses, you gain a sense of power, as well as greater flexibility when it comes to how you use your time. When you let go of reactivity and know that you can address this anger and solve your problem independently, you free yourself. Your self-confidence increases, the weight of anger is lightened, and you free up your time. More and more, you will use your time to live your best life!

  3. Proactively move forward to resolve the source of your anger. No need to wait. Go ahead and create action steps to resolve whatever is at the source of your anger. This is something you do on your own, without reference to the choices of others. In doing this, notice how the more power you complain about your time choices, the less power anyone will have over you! And there is an additional benefit; your relationships improve. Productivity flourishes so no one is in a tug of war; And accomplish more in less time!

This practical exercise profoundly changes the balance of power when it comes to your timing choices. As you move from reactivity to a proactive, self-referential orientation, expect to be surprised. You will develop a whole new level of self-awareness, along with a vastly improved skill when it comes to managing your moments.

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