
Tips for housetraining your Great Dane puppy

So… you have a new Great Dane puppy. The puppies are adorable, comfortable, cute, fun to look at, and have amazing puppy breath. Now is the time to train him and you are not as excited as when you first saw him.
Here are ten tips that will hopefully make the process easier for both of you.

1. Be optimistic and enthusiastic: the dog’s mission in life is to make his humans happy. If you want any workout to go smoothly, you have to be enthusiastic. Your pup will be much more successful if he thinks housetraining is a fun adventure for both of you! If you start to be sad and upset, your dog will naturally think that you are upset with him. He will be confused and will try to figure out what he did wrong. Since he hasn’t started yet, he is sending the wrong message. Talk to yourself thinking you’re going to have a good time and convey that to your pup. Every time you take him outside, do it with gusto!

2. Be Patient Let’s face it, you are going to have some disappointing moments while house training a dog. Try to look at the big picture. For one, your dog will bring you much more happiness in life than unhappiness. When he’s young, he’ll make a lot of mistakes, but before you know it, he’ll be trained. So give him time to learn all these new behaviors. Also, if you get impatient with him, you will fall back into that confusion. He just takes a deep breath, smiles at how cute he is, and I know he’ll do better next time.

3. Make a schedule – the smaller your dog is, the smaller bladder he has. All puppies should be on a potty training schedule, so keep this in mind when setting it up. Take it out first thing in the morning. Feed it and take it out again. If you’re home with him during the day, take him out every hour while he’s small. You can find out what adjustments to make as you grow. Always take the last thing out before going to bed.

4. Be Consistent – ​​Consistency is one of the most important aspects of puppy housetraining. There are several methods you can use, such as leaving the papers behind and confining your dog to the same area as the door he will be using. There’s also dog litter box training and umbilical leash training, where you keep him by your side every minute you can. Whatever medium you use, say the same words and perform the same actions. The changes will make you nervous and cause accidents in the house. Crate training is the method we prefer and it also gives your pup a safe haven.

5. Reward Behavior – Every time your dog goes to the bathroom outside, even before he asks to go outside, reward him. This will quickly teach him that he is doing something you like. You can give him food treats or his favorite toy. Whatever you give him as a reward, bring him praise and affection at the same time. Tell him what a good boy he is in your most exultant voice.

6. Don’t punish and “catch him doing something right!” –The old school of training a dog stuck to punishments like rubbing his nose in his own excrement. The new model is much kinder and more sensitive. Since he wants to please you, if you don’t react and walk away, he will get the message loud and clear that he was a bad boy. Give him a few minutes and then talk to him again.

7. Alpha Dog – Dogs exist in packs. That means there is one alpha dog and the rest are subservient. In your family or even just with you, you are the members of the pack. The trick is to let him know right away that you are the alpha dog. In other words, you are the leader of his pack. It doesn’t mean you have to be mean; you just need to let him know that you call the shots in dog training; and all other workouts too.

8. Command word: each training exercise needs a command word; something simple To housetrain your puppy, “go potty” or “outside” are examples of appropriate words. Whatever you choose, always use the same one for each command.

9. Keep it simple: Don’t make housebreaking your dog any more difficult than it needs to be. For example, every time you leave with his papers or make a mistake in another area, pick him up, gently but firmly, out the same door and onto the grass. He will probably pee, so reward and praise him, and call him back inside. Don’t take side trips on your way out or try to have a conversation with him. The easier you make it for him, the easier he will make it for you.

10. Much love. The last rule, which should be the easiest, is to give that dog all the love in your heart!

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