Health Fitness

Tips on how to stop tinnitus at home on your own

Ringing in the ears – this is just a symptom, not a disease. However, as a symptom, it can occur as a side effect of a variety of diseases. Here are the most likely.

One of the most common causes of tinnitus is increased blood pressure. Have you ever tried to measure a pressure in the periods when there is a noise in your head? It is convenient to do so, as well as to measure the pressure and in those periods in which there are no beeps. If the pressure difference is obvious, then the reason is obvious. Anyway, I will give you some tips on how to stop tinnitus.

So, you can get rid of tinnitus at home on your own:

Onions for tinnitus

Bake stuffed onion with caraway seeds. The completely applied liquid after firing is extremely helpful for tinnitus. Juice drip, 2-3 drops in each ear 2 times a day. After your clogged ears stop tormenting, do not stop treatment immediately. Do this procedure for 2-3 days.

yarrow juice

Yarrow grass juice instilled in the ears of 2-3 drops in each ear 2 times a day.

propolis for tinnitus

Buy alcohol tincture of propolis and mix it in a 1:4 ratio with olive oil (1 tablespoon of tincture to 4 tablespoons of butter). Shake the mixture of gauze soaked in its flagella (turundas) and carefully insert into the ear. Keep the swab in your ear for 36 hours. Then the day of rest and reinsert in the ear, turundas soaked in a mixture of propolis and butter. Pass 10-12 procedures.

After the course, do such exercises: press down with your hands on your head and ears in a circular motion clockwise, rubbing them together. Then press the palm of your hand hard against the ears and pull sharply. Do this 20 times. Then insert a finger into your ear and pull hard (20 times). Do gymnastics every day and the tinnitus leaves you.

dill for tinnitus

You will need fresh seeds, stems, rosette dill. Crush, a handful makes 0.5 liters of boiling water. in a thermos Insist 1:00. Drink 0.5st. 3 times a day for 15 minutes. Before meals for two months. The noise will disappear. You can use 2 teaspoons of dry broth in 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Red clover and fireweed to relieve tinnitus

Grind and mix in equal parts by weight the dried heads of red clover and fireweed. Prepared as tea (1 tablespoon of raw materials per 1 tablespoon of boiling water), and eating it without action will eliminate tinnitus.

Juices from the noise and ringing in the ears.

Mix equal parts of cranberry and beetroot juice and drink 50 mg 3 times a day until the noise completely disappears.

Melissa for the noise and ringing in the ears

It should be 1 tablespoon of grass to fill 200 g of boiling water, brew and drink during the day in the third item. 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before a meal with honey can be prepared. Please note that Melissa lowers blood pressure. Take time for them to improve.

Herbal relief for noise and ringing in the ears

Mixed in equal parts by weight currant leaves, flowers or leaves of lilacs, the flowers or leaves of the black elderberry, chop, and then 2 tablespoons mixture add 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil in water bath in a closed container in the lid for 20 minutes. Be sure to stir.

After this, insisting at room temperature for 10 minutes and straining. Take 70ml 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day for recovery.

So these tips on how to stop tinnitus will help you for sure.

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