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Top 5 Problems Expats in Europe May Face

Are you planning to live in a non-native country or do you already live there? Are you aware of the problems you may face? One way or another, it is necessary to have good advice on how to solve problems such as choosing the right expat health insurance, adapting to the new culture, finding new friends, etc. In other words, you need some really effective tips to create a good atmosphere in your new life. So, here is the list of the top 5 issues that expats may face and the ways you can prepare yourself, so that you don’t worry so much about these issues.

1. Cultural Difference and Social Adjustment

The most important issues when moving to live abroad are social adaptation and cultural difference. For some people it is difficult to make new friends in a country, city, etc. unknown. They are afraid of being misunderstood or misunderstood. Actually, it’s not a reasonable fear. There is nothing wrong if the local citizens consider you unusual. Due to this uniqueness, you are likely to capture their attention. Therefore, your new neighbors, schools, etc. would be delighted to learn about your native country, culture and traditions. It’s a good idea to throw a small party at your new home, inviting people you know at work, school, etc.

Actually, no matter where you live, social media (for example Facebook and Twitter) and other communities (for example Couchsurfing) are online to help you find the same expats as you, new friends and keep in touch with your family. and old friends.

The best idea is to live life in such a way that you do not have time for nostalgia and absence.

Another issue is the different mentality. Adapting to new principles is not so easy. Some of them may not be clear to you and may not have reasons or grounds. Some countries can have huge cultural differences and traditions that are so foreign to yours. That’s why it can be really hard to see how you can ever fit in. To reach a level of comfort and integration in these issues, it is enough to try to immerse yourself in the essence of this unique country, its traditions and customs.

2. Language barriers

It’s one of the worst feelings when you don’t understand what people are talking about. Some languages ​​are easier to learn, others are more difficult. Therefore, try to be patient because understanding the foreign language will take time. However, this barrier should not prevent you from reaching your life goals. First, if you know English, it means that you will not get lost almost anywhere. Second, even if you think you are not suited to foreign languages, make sure that you will start using new words very soon. Our mind and memory are much smarter than we think. They absorb new words very quickly and put them into the passive vocabulary that will start working for you one day. No learning a new language could be better than learning it while living in this linguistic society.

3. Career concern

Today labor concerns affect all people due to global economic instability. Certainly, expatriates’ job concerns are much greater because they are less aware of potential career opportunities. It is a normal desire to be sure that your work will guarantee you good conditions and professional growth. Therefore, in order to stay out of trouble, you should carefully research the types of jobs you are looking for. Next, you need to find out if the skill requirements differ from what you used to have in your home country. It’s best to prepare several work variants so you have a backup plan in case life presents you with unexpected challenges.

4. Insurance: Health and Travel

The other major issues that expats tend to worry about are health care and insurance. Like cultural phenomena, these factors can also differ by country. Additionally, expatriates may not have the same level of access to the healthcare system as the local population. To avoid the problems, you must first do a thorough research on the medical facilities and services available in a country. Second, once you know what’s not available, you can start thinking about how to plan for access to anything you might need. Third, is to ask questions. Talk to other expats and ask about their experience. When it comes to travel insurance, expats are more likely to prefer to buy policies from the company they used in their home country. Unfortunately, many companies offer their service only locally and nationally. However, there are some companies that provide any service around the world. So try to work with international providers who offer insurance globally based on your requirements.

5.Standard of life

Most expats when they move abroad expect to achieve a standard of living better or equal to what they used to have. It will certainly depend on your job and career. However, the main objective is to reach the stage where the salary can allow you a better standard of living. And again, the only correct decision is to ask other expats, who have already faced such situations, for their experience.

You should also know that some problems (for example, corruption) are impossible to understand and difficult to combat. Faced with such problems, there is no point in fighting them alone. It could bring you even more trouble. Therefore, try to be careful and attentive.

In summary, you should always remember that there are many expat blogs and forums where you can find any information to prepare yourself for all the obstacles expats may face. Certainly there will still be topics that you were unable to cover ahead of time, although you can at least be sure that you did the best you could.

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