
Try the Dr. Phil method for potty training

Does your child still walk around in diapers? Have you ever experienced walking into the living room, only to find that your child had a very messy potty accident on the couch or carpet?

Potty training kids isn’t a walk in the park, but it doesn’t have to be as painful an experience as you think it is. There is a wide range of variations in the methods you can use to potty train your child. One method worth investigating is the Dr. Phil potty training method. He suggests using an anatomically correct doll that can serve as an example throughout the process. Help the child get a visual representation of what she is supposed to do.

The good thing about Dr. Phil’s method is that it acknowledges the fact that at a certain point in their lives, children like to imitate adults, especially their parents. The doll can exemplify how the potty should be used. However, before you begin, be sure to give the doll a specific name. Do this so that your child begins to see the model as someone to always have with him. See if your child will give the doll a drink of liquid. Shortly after she has drunk, have the doll go to the potty. Then, pull the doll’s big boy underwear down and use the potty.

It is true that Dr. Phil’s method is quite different from the usual methods. However, he is not quick to dismiss it as useless. The truth is that it is very effective. Help children understand the process quickly and completely. Once the doll has successfully relieved herself, show the child how to throw a party. Get a cake, balloons, and wear party hats, proving that this is a big deal.

During this time, try to exaggerate the amount of praise you give the doll. In a way, you want the child to be envious of everything, because you want him to have his own party. However, it will only be possible after everything is done.

The next step in the Dr. Phil method of potty training is to throw out the rest of the child’s diapers. Pull out the new big kid underwear and make sure the doll is wearing her pair, too. Offer a variety of fluids regularly and encourage them to use the bathroom every half hour. Be patient with your child and always offer support. Make sure to throw them a party once they’ve been successful.

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