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Understanding and Calculating the Numerological Personality Number

Numerology is a numbers game as we all have many numbers associated with us. When determining your personal numerology numbers, you generally only need your exact date of birth and your full legal name as it appears on your birth certificate. From these two pieces of information, you can calculate your common numerology numbers.

One of the most interesting personal numerology numbers is the personality number. This number is derived from your full birth name. The personality number is a reflection of how others see you. This may differ from who you really are, as some people constantly hide their true personality. The personality number gives a person some indication of whether the rest of the world sees them as they really are.

When calculating your personality number, you take your full name and take out just the consonants and assign a numerical number to each of the consonants. Just to be sure here, a consonant is a letter that is NOT a vowel. Then you add all the numbers. If you have a two digit number, which are common, then reduce that two digit number by adding the two digits. If the two digit number is a master number of 11 or 22, then you do NOT need to reduce.

Let’s make one for fun:

Paris Whitney Hilton

We take out all the consonants that are PRSWHTNYHLTN and we throw out the vowels that are AIIEI O. This is a great example because Whitney’s middle name has the letter Y. The letter Y can sometimes be considered a vowel, it all depends on how it’s used in the sentence. word. In this case, the letter Y is NOT a vowel, as it is an extension of Whitney’s middle name. If you remove the Y, you now have Whitne, which is still pronounced the same. If the letter Y is used as a substitute for a vowel as in Lynn’s name, then it is considered a vowel. If the letter Y changes the pronunciation of the name, then it is considered a vowel as in Mary or Betty. By removing the letter Y from these names, it has a completely different name and is pronounced differently like Mar and Bett.

Now, let’s add the consonants by assigning numerical values. We use this Numerology number chart.

A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8, I=9
J=1, K=2, L=3, M=4, N=5, O=6, P=7, Q=8, R=9
S=1, T=2, U=3, G=4, W=5, X=6, Y=7, Z=8

7 9 1 5 8 2 5 7 8 3 2 5 add these numbers to get 62. Reduce 62 as 6+2 = 8.

Paris Whitney Hilton’s Personality Number is 8. The next step is to cross-reference what Personality Number 8 means. You will be surprised at how accurate Paris Hilton’s Celebrity Personality Number is.

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