Lifestyle Fashion

Using Yogurt to Cure Yeast Infections

There are a variety of methods to cure a yeast infection. Ointments, suppositories and tablets to name a few, but have you ever thought about curing a yeast infection with yogurt? Certain yogurts can be used to help relieve yeast infections, but before you hit the grocery store, you need to know a few things. If used correctly, this treatment method is one of the most popular. So how do you know what to look for in a yogurt?

Active cultures in yogurt:

Not all yogurts have the healing power necessary to cure yeast infections. The active bacteria known as acidophilus can only be found in certain brands. On the packaging it will usually say if a particular yoghurt contains live cultures. You don’t want any other types of yogurt except unsweetened yogurt with active bacteria. Unsweetened is very important because sugar promotes fungus growth and this is something to avoid.

What’s the plan?

The use of yogurt to cure a yeast infection has been used by both men and women who use it to cure the infection. Research studies have not found a correlation as strong as those that support it. There are health professionals who feel that to get the most out of this treatment it is necessary to eat the yogurt and use it to treat the infection topically.

Many women have found that applying yogurt directly to the vagina offers great relief. One of the ways to do this is to use a tampon and dip it into the yogurt. Place the tampon without the use of an applicator in the vagina for one hour and then remove it.

Another way to soothe the swelling of irritated vaginal walls is to freeze yogurt on the fingers of a sterilized plastic glove. When completely frozen, insert the paddle into the vagina. You will probably want to use a sanitary napkin; As you can imagine, this process can be complicated. However, the coolness can bring relief.

Yogurt is a healthy food for most people in general. The fact that it can at least reduce the symptoms of a yeast infection makes it even better. Although health food stores and online sites offer these live cultures in capsule form, make sure they do not contain other ingredients that will kill the necessary bacteria.

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