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What do men really want: a good girl or a bad girl?

If you’re like many women, you must have a hard time figuring out what men really want and look for in a woman. If you act “non-sexually” they say you are sexually repressed and boring and if you act “sexually” you are “easy” and they call you a whore: “WHAT DO THEY WANT US TO DO?”

Before attacking men, let us look at ourselves. On some level, women know that if you “dress for sex,” men will always react to you as a sexual object. We also know that approaching men in this way is a sad (even potentially dangerous) substitute for forming a real connection with someone worthwhile, but on another level, many of us see this as the only way to attract men. in this days.

Why do we act like reckless sexually insecure teenagers?

One, because we’ve been told over and over again that every man is a slave to his hormones. And if a woman wants to have control over men, she must control them using sex as her weapon. But as many of us are realizing, there is a rude awakening to this jaded thinking. After sex and hormones subside, and if there’s nothing else a man admires and attracts in you, you’re just another piece of meat that’s easily replaceable.

The second reason many women feel that in order to attract men they must act pretentiously unabashed with their sexuality is that many of us have been raised with the notion that a woman is “holy” or “sexually promiscuous”: where “holy ” means she doesn’t want sex, shows no interest in sex, and will passively have forced sex with her man, and “sexually promiscuous” means she wants sex, enjoys sex, and initiates or seeks sex. Both genders reinforce this idea and unfortunately we see it in many aspects of our society. Not only in the teachings of different religions or in the sex/dance/strip industry, but also in the entertainment, modeling and fashion industries.

In my position as a Dating/Sexual Confidence Coach, I have the advantage that I am aware of the very personal thoughts of many men and women, and I can talk to all types of men: class, race, age, cultures, etc. who are not just looking for a one night stand, but are looking to fall in love. When I ask the question “What do you find sexy in a woman?” They all seem to say that they want and look for the same thing in women:

“It really comes down to how a woman carries sexiness, her brains and energy, and how comfortable she feels in her body.”

“What a woman wears defines who she is, but I’ve also seen the tiniest amount of clothing worn so classy it could only fall under ‘sexy.'”

“These days, women tend to look the same. Too much makeup with too much boobs and legs. There’s a lot of sexual baggage around that. I wish more women behaved with self-respect.”

“I hear women say ‘It’s wild’ to them. I was on Safari a few months ago and didn’t see Lionesses or Zebras flashing their butts and butts to tourists. I’m glad I personally know the difference between a wild woman and a slut.”

“I love when my girlfriend strip teases, but there is a time and a place”

“I’m attracted to women who show off their assets because they’re proud. What I don’t like about some of these women is the ‘me-me-me’.”

The bottom line is that intelligent, sexually evolved men want and keep intelligent, sexually expressive women they love and respect, not women they use and despise.

One important fact to keep in mind: when it comes to sexuality, it’s not just about the body/genitals, it’s about how we see ourselves as sexual beings; Our thoughts, emotions, intentions, dreams, hopes and actions. Our sexuality is a truly unique and valuable part of who we are, and it is the blueprint for how we interact with the opposite sex; who we are attracted to and who will be attracted to us.

When you are very confident in yourself as a sexual woman, you embody a strong erotic presence and your sensuality is natural and truly magnetic on all levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. And when men feel like you’re really cool with yourself in that way, they’ll be irresistibly attracted to you, and most of the time they don’t even know why…

If you’re having trouble expressing your sexuality in a sexy, magnetic way that will appeal to intelligent, sexually evolved men, look for good books on “holistic sexuality” or work with a professional with a “holistic” perspective on sexuality. You’ll be amazed at how easy and effortless it is to attract the man you want, and keep him coming back for more!

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