
What Your Baby’s Diaper Says When You’re Not Listening

We all know the adage about death and taxes being the only certainties in life. However, there should be an addition – diapers! We’ve all used them, and sadly, many of us will eventually use them again. I am not here to talk about the latter, rather I am here to talk about baby diapers.

Think how unpleasant it must feel to wear a diaper for a baby. Maybe his parents are quick enough to wet him and take him off in a flash, but even so, the fact remains that wearing a diaper is downright disgusting. I know you’re probably thinking, ‘yeah, but babies don’t taste any better’ and I can’t argue. But don’t you owe your child more than a stiff paper diaper?

Don’t you owe your child more than a cloth diaper that leaks from both ends and makes everyone involved suffer? I believe that our children deserve the best diaper that you as a parent can afford.

Diapers have come a long way in ten years. For example, my wife and I are wearing some kind of Pampers that is almost as soft as a favorite old t-shirt that absorbs everything it comes in contact with. Don’t you owe your child the comforts of something as simple as changing his or her diapers?

We tried a cheap brand. Ounce. Once was too many times. I almost feel abusive taping the tabs on a stiff piece of cardboard that the “T” store calls a diaper. Our daughter didn’t seem too pleased either as she cried over the higher quality amenities.

There’s a lot of debate about being ‘green’ when it comes to diapering. Wherever you go, there is waste. Cloth diapers are fine, but if you use a diaper service, you are polluting the environment. Nappies like gBrand are really nice since most of them are recyclable and create less waste, but waste nonetheless. There are really only two truly eco-friendly ways: release your child, which I’ve heard called neglect, so we’ll skip that. The other is to use a cloth and wash them yourself.

It’s fun to do that, it really is. Surely you have time, let’s say, between waking up, feeding, cleaning, changing diapers, snacking, reading, playing, a two-hour nap (here’s your chance to clean poop), waking up, bathing, changing, having lunch, etc etc. Come on!

So do yourself and your child a favor and get quality diapers. They would appreciate it if they could.

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