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Why President Trump’s Supporters Seem Unaffected/Inspired By His Rhetoric: 5 Possibilities

Almost every day, I remember, we are experiencing uncharted waters, with the occupant of the White House, using a combination of social media and sound bytes, to articulate an unusual message! Surveys indicate that his popularity and favorable rating is consistent, between around 40-45%, yet his most ardent fans remain loyal, at an astonishing rate! While much of this nation seems to be experiencing undue stress, tension, and restlessness, his supporters seem to believe that he is the the best thing since sliced ​​bread! While we have always seen political disagreements, overall there seemed to be some chance of coming to a meeting of mind and/or common ground, for the greater good! In today’s supercharged environment, this seems almost impossible. In fact, for many, there seems to be a fusion, in their minds, between their personal opinions and the facts. President Trump seems to be something of a genius, when it comes to reading, the political tea leavesand he knows how to appeal to his core supporters, realizing that since we elect our presidents, based on the Electoral College, rather than the popular vote, he remains eligible, if not perhaps the favorite, in the upcoming 2020 election. With that in mind, this article will attempt, briefly, to consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 possibilities, why, despite all that has happened, his supporters remain extremely loyal and seem not to be. disturbed by his rhetoric and vitriol, and willing to accept his version of events and conspiracy theories.

1. They support, what they perceive/believe, is their agenda: The simple possibility is that many don’t care, as long as, as Mr. Trump appears to be doing, what they seek, in terms of immigration, race-related issues, court appointments, etc. These individuals may be supportive, not because of emotional attachment, but rather for their personal reasons!

two. They believe him and trust his explanations: The gap between news as reported in different media has never seemed so wide! If you see the same story, in different seasons, you may get a considerably different explanation. In today’s 24-hour news cycle, with cable news and the Internet, instead of seeing less biased reporting, we’re seeing a lot more extremes. Although President Trump has been reported to have lied or misstated more than 10,000 times in the past 30 months, his supporters show up to either believe him and his explanation, or simply don’t care! !

3. Xenophobia etc: Instead of maintaining America’s image as the Melting Pot, we are witnessing an extreme degree of xenophobia! How can a nation of immigrants stay true to its ideals if/when so many seem to be afraid of foreigners?

Four. Think of real facts, they are false facts, and vice versa: Since the President often declares anything, disagree with or oppose him, either personally and/or politically, as untrue, many of his most ardent supporters seem to believe that there are multiple versions of the facts. , and even the most tried ones still have alternative options! While much of the mainstream media and its political opponents regard Trump’s version as their false facts, and call everything else by the same name, it’s easy to see why, we’re not even close to achieving any sort of of common ground!

5. partisan politics: Although many who previously identified as Republican no longer do so, the vast majority of those who remain support President Trump, in staggering numbers! Public officials and politicians, for example, who have spent decades opposing large deficits, have abandoned those principles, because it appears to support their personal politics, partisan politics, and/or self-interest!

It appears that Trump supporters and opponents are not ready, willing, or able to see each other’s perspectives and viewpoints! Wake up, America, and demand representation and service, based on the common good!

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