7 keys to intimacy with Jesus

When I looked at my relationship with Jesus and the intimacy I shared with Him, I wanted to write a book on how I got that intimacy. And I came up with the 7 keys to intimacy that were fundamental to my life. I hope you enjoy this summary. KEY 1 Obedience One of the most powerful and helpful ways […]

Tax Vs GAAP: What Small Business Owners Need To Know

A small business owner should understand the following before deciding to maintain their accounting records on an income tax basis or on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”). GAAP is prohibited by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), while the Internal Revenue Service is responsible for establishing the accounting framework for […]

Understand how your children learn

Most children have the same speaking style as their parents. They have the same style and tone. You may wonder why this is so. The reason is that the way you raise your children has a huge impact on their personality. They learn almost everything from you. In other words, children imitate their parents. In fact, birth order, genetics, gender, […]

We have more in common than what divides us

“We are more united and we have much more in common with each other than the things that divide us.” These words were spoken by British MP Jo Cox in her inaugural speech to Parliament in 2015. A year later she was assassinated and her words went viral. From the other end of the spectrum, consider the delusional and divisive […]

Fun things to do in Dillon Beach, a beautiful family-friendly California Beach vacation town

There are so many fun and interesting things to do in this beautiful little town of Dillon Beach, located in beautiful Marin County on the California coast. Plan a wonderful visit for a family reunion, a girls’ weekend, or a corporate retreat. Vacation rental homes abound here, from a tiny beach hut to grand and beautiful homes that can comfortably […]

Looking for cats for sale?

Before buying a cat Before you begin your search for cats for sale, you need to consider a few issues. The most important thing is to check if all members of the household agree to have the pet at home. It would also be wise to make sure that no one is allergic to cat hair and dander. You should […]

What to offer for HUD foreclosures?

You’ve found your dream home and it’s a HUD foreclosure. You’ve taken a tour of the HUD home and it appears to be in good shape, just a few minor repairs. Unfortunately, you’ve already made a big mistake. Your real estate agent, who is your uncle, has never sold a HUD foreclosure. You have no idea how much you should […]

Erectile Dysfunction and Nutrition: How Vitamins Can Help Improve Sexual Performance

Erectile dysfunction doesn’t have to be a life sentence. There are numerous ways to improve performance, and one is to make sure you eat a healthy diet. Eating the right foods will ensure that you are getting the correct nutrients for optimal health. However, if you have a busy lifestyle and cannot always eat nutritious meals, you can always improve […]

Home decoration tricks you should know

Sometimes a home, as cozy as it already is, needs a restorative home. But how do you fix a house that appears to be fine the way it is? Using just a few simple tricks, to up the ante, so to speak. Here are some home decorating tricks you should know about. Start at the door. It is always good […]