
3 tips to grow your connections on Pinterest

With social media, the more the better. More fans, more likes, more benefits, more comments on your pins and repins because it all means more connections. From connections come conversations, the spark of possible business in the future. Pinterest is no different – more comments, more likes, and more repins expand your reach. More reach gets you more traffic to the places where you can do business.

Here are 3 tips for expanding your reach on Pinterest:

1. Create momentum

There is a point in all social media where your constant daily efforts suddenly turn into exciting and quantifiable results. This effect is like a boomerang in terms of its energy, and you achieve it by posting daily – something useful, fun, and inspiring. Remember to always present yourself authentically and as a whole person. If you are contributing to the landscape, then you earn the right to offer things for sale in the future. By doing a little bit every day, you provide fresh content and consistency that sets expectations. Within that expectation comes the anticipation, that something interesting and fun will come from you today and the wonder of what it could be, this is the beginning of leadership.

2. make everything you do worth sharing

Each pin should be interesting enough that people want to share it with others. Certainly pin the things you like, but when pinning something off Pinterest, consider how it might be useful to your friends and followers. When you have your best interest in mind, you will take care of yourself!

3. Ask and you will receive

There is nothing wrong with asking people to repaint an image from time to time. Especially if you are entering a contest to get the most likes or looking for feedback on a number of options. Gathering opinions is a perfectly legitimate activity, when done honestly and without a hidden agenda. In this way, you have created your own unique focus group and who knows who might discover your products along the way. You will want to publicly acknowledge anyone who has helped you here. Otherwise you’re just using people and nobody finds anything “social” in it.

As you can see, these three tips will help increase your connections, especially if you are using Pinterest for business. They will work for other social media sites as well. Constant daily activity combined with valuable content worth sharing will do most of the work for you. When you add value to the community, you have earned the right to ask for help when it is needed and appropriate.

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