Arts Entertainments

bear security

When bears come out of hibernation in the spring, eating is their number one priority. When bears hibernate, they lose up to 30% of their body weight, so in spring they wake up very hungry. It is important for field workers to be aware of bear feeding patterns so that they can try to avoid coming between a bear and its food.

In the spring, bears mainly forage for roots, bushes, berries, while in the fall, bears are more likely to be near water in search of salmon that will provide them with the calories and fat they need to hibernate.

Bears coming out of hibernation may be more conspicuous and aggressive while foraging for food. If they come out of hibernation early or if their normal food is less available, they will come looking for things like human garbage. It is important that everyone do their part to eliminate bear attractants and properly dispose of all food waste at work sites or in the bush.

To avoid a bear encounter, you should also make a lot of noise while you work and be aware of your surroundings. Walk noisily in the bush and talk or sing frequently. If you are working in a heavily wooded area or around streams, check your surroundings frequently.

If you meet a bear:

– Back up slowly and quietly if the bear doesn’t recognize you.

– If the bear sees you, speak calmly and back away slowly – don’t run.

– If the bear moves towards you, make yourself as big as possible, wave your arms or an object and make a lot of noise.

– Do not look directly into the bear’s eyes.

– If the bear attacks you, fight back if it’s a black bear and play dead if it’s a brown bear.

The best preparation to protect yourself against a bear encounter is to check for wildlife activity before beginning work in the area by contacting local fish and wildlife officials. Other things you can do to equip yourself include:

– Take a bear/wildlife safety course.

– Have equipment like bear spray and firecrackers that are designed to scare bears away and understand how to store and use them properly.

– Carry a firearm in high-risk areas if you are licensed to do so.

– Know who to call for help.

– Carry a cell phone or communication radio that works in the area.

– Store food and garbage in airtight containers.

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